LauJensen / clojureql

ClojureQL is superior SQL integration for Clojure
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problems with aggregate #118

Closed Licenser closed 12 years ago

Licenser commented 12 years ago


(cql/aggregate [[:sum/hours :as :total]
           [:YEAR/date :as :year]
           [:tasks.desc :as :task]
           [:MONTH/date :as :month]
           [:taskID :as :tid]]
          [:MONTH/date :taskID])

has the following problems:

1) you can't ruse :month in the group by 2) name the field being grouped by since it creates an SQL error, unnamed fields give horrible maps as return.

doooks commented 12 years ago

This is a problem for me, too. How can we do arbitrary group bys, like "GROUP BY SUM(prices.pence / supplier_products.quantity)"

At the moment I am having to the grouping in code, on the whole result set, which is fairly horrific.

doooks commented 12 years ago

@Licenser I think you might find that the workaround looks something like (cql/aggregate table [["SUM(hours)" :as :total]]) etc. Hope this helps.

Licenser commented 12 years ago

Yes so it didn't solve the fact that it was very hard to reference things like :total in the later code I came up with this:

(def infex {'in "IN"
            'like "LIKE"
            'notlike "NOT LIKE"
            'notin "NOT IN"
            '= "="
            '<= "<="
            '< "<"
            '/ "/"
            '* "*"
            '+ "+"
            '- "-"
            '> ">"
            '>= ">="
            'and "AND"
            'or "OR"            
            'not= "!="})

(defn infixfn [stmt]
  (fn [& args]
    (str "(" (apply str (interpose (str " " stmt " ") args)) ")")))

(defn prefixfn [stmt]
  (fn [& args]
    (str stmt "(" (apply str (interpose "," args)) ")")))

(defn to-sql-data [v]
   (vector? v)
   (str "(" (apply str (interpose "," (map to-sql-data v))) ")")
   (string? v)
   (str "\"" (clojure.string/replace v #"[\"\\]" (fn [x] (str  "\\\\"  (if (= x "\\") "\\") x))) "\"")
   (keyword? v)
   (apply str (interpose "." (map #(str "`" % "`") (re-seq #"[^.]+" (name v)))))   
   (str v)))

(defn outerfn [term]
   (list? term)
   (let [[h & t] term]
     (conj (map
            (fn outerfn-map [x]
              (if (symbol? x)
                (list to-sql-data x)
                x)) t)
           (if-let [term (infex h)]
             (list infixfn term)
              (= h 'distinct)
              (fn outerfn1 [& args]
                (str "DISTINCT " (apply str (interpose " " args))))
              (= h 'between)
              (fn outerfn2 [a b c]
                (str "(" a " BETWEEN " b " AND " c ")"))
              (= h 'not-nil?)
              (fn outerfn3 [a]
                (str "(" a " NOT NULL)"))
              (= h 'nil?)
              (fn outerfn4 [a]
                (str "(" a " NULL)"))
              (list prefixfn  (.toUpperCase (name h)))))))
   (vector? term)
   (list (fn outerfn5 [t] (str "(" (apply str (interpose ","  (map to-sql-data t))) ")")) term)

(defn replacefn [term]
   (list? term)
   (walk replacefn outerfn term)
   (vector? term)
   (walk replacefn outerfn term)
   (symbol? term)
   (to-sql-data term)))

(defmacro sqlify [term]
   (walk replacefn outerfn term))

feel free to use it it allows code such as:

       (not (like :name "DUMMY%"))
       (= (year :date) year) 
       (in :tasks.taskID [5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18])
       (in (month month))))
LauJensen commented 12 years ago

Just to be clear, the problem you guys are seeing here is the qualifications of the columns listed in the group by, right?

Licenser commented 12 years ago

Wow that is a long time ago, the problem was when I remember right that the columns defined in aggregate were not reusable or functions in general rather hard.

LauJensen commented 12 years ago

Alright. I'll assume this has been fixed in a later update and re-open if Im proven wrong.