LauJensen / clojureql

ClojureQL is superior SQL integration for Clojure
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Qualify WHERE clause references when merging subselects #60

Closed bendlas closed 13 years ago

bendlas commented 13 years ago

In this example two table defs that work fine by themselves, produce an ambigous column ref error when joined. This is because both have a column :table_schema and the first table has a WHERE clause on it.

When the join is flattened into a single SQL select, the column ref in the WHERE clause is not table-qualified, leading to the error.

LauJensen commented 13 years ago
(ns gist
  (:require [clojureql.core :as cql]))

(def schema-tables
   (cql/table *db* :information_schema.tables)
   (cql/where (= :table_schema "public"))))

(def table-columns
   (cql/table server/*db* :information_schema.columns)

(def table-desc
  (cql/join schema-tables table-columns :table_name))

;; throws (PG), since column :table_schema is ambigous
;; current workaround is to write the WHERE clause as (= :tables.table_schema "public")

Pasting here for ease of reading

LauJensen commented 13 years ago

Also including repl output (bendlas: please always add this to issue reports)

gist> table-desc
SELECT information_schema.tables.*,information_schema.columns.data_type FROM information_schema.tables JOIN information_schema.columns USING(table_name) WHERE (table_schema = public)
LauJensen commented 13 years ago

This commit should fix your problem