LauJensen / clojureql

ClojureQL is superior SQL integration for Clojure
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Problem with placeholders in complex union #81

Closed ray1729 closed 12 years ago

ray1729 commented 13 years ago

I'm getting this exception when trying to execute a query against MySQL:

   Message: No value specified for parameter 6
   SQLState: 07001
   Error Code: 0

This is triggered by the query:

(defn fetch-gene-by-external-name
  (let [base-query (-> (table :gene)
                       (select (where (= :gene.is_current 1)))
                       (join (table :gene_stable_id) :gene_id)
                       (join (table :seq_region)
                             (where (= :gene.seq_region_id :seq_region.seq_region_id)))
                       (join (table :coord_system)
                             (where (and (= :coord_system.coord_system_id :seq_region.coord_system_id)
                                         (= :coord_system.species_id *species-id*))))
                       (join (table :object_xref)
                             (where (and (= :object_xref.ensembl_id :gene.gene_id)
                                         (= :object_xref.ensembl_object_type "Gene"))))
                       (join (table :xref)
                             (where (= :xref.xref_id :object_xref.xref_id))))
        query1 (-> base-query
                   (select (where (or (= :xref.dbprimary_acc name)
                                      (= :xref.display_label name))))
                   (project [:gene.*, :gene_stable_id.stable_id])
        query2 (-> base-query
                   (join (table :external_synonym)
                         (where (= :external_synonym.xref_id :object_xref.xref_id)))
                   (select (where (= :external_synonym.synonym name)))
                   (project [:gene.*, :gene_stable_id.stable_id])
    (union query1 query2)))

I'm not sure if this is a bug or due to my (mis)use of union - if the latter, please point me in the right direction. The complete code is here: It's querying a public database so you should be able to reproduce the problem.

LauJensen commented 13 years ago

Please include the generated SQL in your issue report

ray1729 commented 13 years ago

This is the generated SQL:

(SELECT DISTINCT gene.*,gene_stable_id.stable_id 
 FROM gene 
 JOIN gene_stable_id USING(gene_id) 
 JOIN seq_region ON (gene.seq_region_id = seq_region.seq_region_id) 
 JOIN coord_system ON ((coord_system.coord_system_id = seq_region.coord_system_id) AND (coord_system.species_id = 1)) 
 JOIN object_xref ON ((object_xref.ensembl_id = gene.gene_id) AND (object_xref.ensembl_object_type = Gene)) 
 JOIN xref ON (xref.xref_id = object_xref.xref_id) 
 JOIN external_synonym ON (external_synonym.xref_id = object_xref.xref_id) 
 WHERE (gene.is_current = 1) AND (external_synonym.synonym = Cbx1)) 
(SELECT DISTINCT gene.*,gene_stable_id.stable_id 
 FROM gene 
 JOIN gene_stable_id USING(gene_id) 
 JOIN seq_region ON (gene.seq_region_id = seq_region.seq_region_id) 
 JOIN coord_system ON ((coord_system.coord_system_id = seq_region.coord_system_id) AND (coord_system.species_id = 1)) 
 JOIN object_xref ON ((object_xref.ensembl_id = gene.gene_id) AND (object_xref.ensembl_object_type = ?)) 
 JOIN xref ON (xref.xref_id = object_xref.xref_id) 
 WHERE (gene.is_current = ?) AND ((xref.dbprimary_acc = ?) OR (xref.display_label = ?)))
ray1729 commented 13 years ago


Just wondering if you had any insights into this problem, or if there's another forum where I might get some help?


LauJensen commented 13 years ago


Its a complex issue and Im struggeling to find out whats wrong with the generated SQL statement. I'll let you know once I know.

In the meantime you could try either posting on the Clojure Google Group or visit #clojureql on, but Im afraid that Im your best bet right now and unfortunately Im a bit busy :(


ray1729 commented 13 years ago

Hi Lau,

Thank you for looking into the problem. I can put this project on hold for a while - really it was just an excuse to play with clojureql, which looks like a really nice way to interact with relational databases. Do let me know if I can do anything to help, but I still consider myself a beginner so debugging such complex problems is probably beyond my reach.


ariel123 commented 13 years ago

Hi Lau,

I'm facing a similar problem with the placeholders using union, refer to issue #93 with sql example. Is there a work around this bug?


bendlas commented 13 years ago

Duplicates of this bug are #91 and #93

LauJensen commented 12 years ago

Fixed in HEAD