LaughingLeader / BG3ModManager

A mod manager for Baldur's Gate 3.
MIT License
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Mod manager wont open. #73

Open Evilmaka opened 10 months ago

Evilmaka commented 10 months ago

So I've been using mod manager just fine the last few days. it would launch, take the mods, and everything worked fine. now I've tried to launch the program today and it refuses to open. restarted the com, but nothing helped. Is anyone else having this issue? and if so any idea how to fix it?

kermitfan commented 10 months ago

i'm having this same problem. i've reinstalled the manager, moved it to other folders, disabled antivirus/changed firewall settings, ran it as admin, but it still will not open. it worked perfectly fine before that.

LaughingLeader commented 10 months ago

Can you make a text file named debug.txt, then remove the extension (so it's just debug) in the folder with the BG3MM's exe, and then run it again, and see if it outputs a log file to the _Logs folder (in the same folder as the exe)? Then attach that here.

Make sure you also have a "_LIb" and "Resources" folder. If you're missing _Lib for some reason, that would be one reason the mod manager wouldn't open, since it'd be missing the various dll files it depends on.

kermitfan commented 10 months ago

hm, i don't have a _Logs folder. i created the text file, but if the _Logs folder generates after using the manager then i won't be able to generate one as the manager won't open (and i've since reinstalled it, so i don't have one from before it stopped working). i have the _Lib and Resource folders.

LaughingLeader commented 10 months ago

Would you mind trying with this version? I have it set to try and capture exceptions, so you should get a message box / log written with what the problem is, if the issue itself isn't happening as soon as the program opens.

With that, launch the program and see if it displays an error message box, then open the _Logs folder and attach the log it generates to a message here.

Additionally, try checking the Event Viewer (Windows Key -> Type event, click Event Viewer). Under the Event Viewer, go under Windows Logs -> Application. There should be an Application Error and a .NET Runetime entry. Select both of those and right click -> "Save Selected Events...", name that something like "BG3MMErrorEvents", then attach that here so I can take a look.

Kefka1000 commented 10 months ago

Different user, same issue. Attaching requested files. BG3MMErrorEvents.txt

Tersival commented 8 months ago

I've also been unable to open BG3MM, or the BG3ModManager_Debug version linked above.

In my case I was having some BG3 CTD's so I changed folder structure in the process of trying to narrow down the culprit. Everything still works on my laptop, with the same folder structure but desktop no go (I'm guessing that might be linked because articles I found on "BG3MM won't open" searches said don't move it - not as "portable" as I thought I guess).

Tried to run the Debug version and the debug file is there but looks empty in Notepad++.

Event Viewer extract below.