Since NA are quite dangerous in R when selecting data, I suspect it would be great to automatically ignore them in this function.
return( na.omit( geneSelection ) )
I may also be doing something wrong to have NA (?) but I do have them in my column of padj values.
I have some NA returned from the function TFEA.ChIP::Select_genes()
I ignore them using the following:
Genes.Upreg <- na.omit(TFEA.ChIP::Select_genes( InputData, min_LFC=1 ))
Since NA are quite dangerous in R when selecting data, I suspect it would be great to automatically ignore them in this function.
return( na.omit( geneSelection ) )
I may also be doing something wrong to have NA (?) but I do have them in my column of padj values.
EDIT: closed and moved issue to