Name: required, alphanum, length [1, 100]. Unique for a given kind. Help text : "Text with a maximum of 100 chars. Must be unique for a given kind."
Kind: required, one of "Hard skills" or "Soft skills", default is "Select one kind"
Color: required, color picker and input with pattern = Hex Color Code
Name: Programming languages, Team work
Kind: Hard skill, Soft skill
Color: #008000, #FF0000. Help text : "Use color picker or enter color code (e.g. #FF0000)."
Button: "Create"
Acceptance criteria
GIVEN any required field left empty
WHEN I submit the form THEN I get an error message "Required field." close to each related field
GIVEN any non empty name
WHEN I input an already existing category name (case-insensitively) for a given kind THEN I get an error message "Already exists." close to the input field
GIVEN compliant inputs
WHEN I submit the form THEN the skill category is created, the form is reseted and I get a success message "Skill category created with success."
Form labels and constraints
Acceptance criteria
GIVEN any required field left empty
GIVEN any non empty name
GIVEN compliant inputs
Story points : 21