Lauszus / FaceRecognitionApp

Face Recognition Android App
GNU General Public License v2.0
504 stars 238 forks source link

fail to build #20

Closed liaoweiguo closed 6 years ago

liaoweiguo commented 6 years ago

Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@debug/compileClasspath': Could not resolve project :opencv.

Already hardcode the opencv path in app

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

OPENCV_INSTALL_MODULES := on include /media/xx/OpenCV-android-sdk/sdk/native/jni/

LOCAL_MODULE := face-lib LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(LOCAL_PATH)/face-lib.cpp $(LOCAL_PATH)/FaceRecognitionLib/Facebase.cpp LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(LOCAL_PATH)/FaceRecognitionLib/Eigenfaces.cpp $(LOCAL_PATH)/FaceRecognitionLib/Fisherfaces.cpp LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(LOCAL_PATH)/FaceRecognitionLib/PCA.cpp $(LOCAL_PATH)/FaceRecognitionLib/LDA.cpp LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += /media/xx/eigen LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(LOCAL_PATH)/FaceRecognitionLib/RedSVD/include LOCAL_LDLIBS += -llog -ldl LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += -std=gnu++11 -frtti -fexceptions


Lauszus commented 6 years ago

You need to modify this file as well:

liaoweiguo commented 6 years ago

Thanks. Great jobs!

Lauszus commented 6 years ago

I have now updated the build documentation: Thanks for the feedback.