LavaGang / MelonLoader

The World's First Universal Mod Loader for Unity Games compatible with both Il2Cpp and Mono
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug]: Crashed on start 4+ times in a row. #482

Open MadMincraftr opened 1 year ago

MadMincraftr commented 1 year ago

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Describe the issue.

When i tried to start the game to test a mod i was working on, i got this error image The startup ui started on the 5-7th try, but it was bugged, and was stuck, i didnt get a screen shot, but this is what it would of looked like image the next try, the game fully worked.

also the log was there but the error wasnt somehow

Game - Slime Rancher 2 ML Version - 0.6.1

Did you attach your log file?

RinLovesYou commented 1 year ago

The MelonLoader start screen is non-essential. You can temporarily work around it by using --melonloader.disablestartscreen

RinLovesYou commented 1 year ago

There is also no reason to censor what the Start Screen is saying

MadMincraftr commented 1 year ago

@RinLovesYou that is what it looked like it was empty here is a photoshop of it with more detail (going to edit it in to the main post) image