LavaGang / MelonLoader

The World's First Universal Mod Loader for Unity Games compatible with both Il2Cpp and Mono
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[Bug]: Possible incompatibility of Il2CppInterop with generated assemblies #651

Closed Seva167 closed 4 days ago

Seva167 commented 1 month ago

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Latest.log This issue occured when i tried to register class in Il2Cpp that inherits from ingame Il2Cpp type. Ingame type had virtual method with arguments that have ingame Il2Cpp type. It looks like all ingame types are in "Il2Cpp" namespace when referencing generated assembly: Il2Cpp.CubeConnector, Assembly-CSharp, while Il2CppInterop ClassInjector tries to find type name and ignores that: CubeConnector, Assembly-CSharp

I fixed it with this patch:

[HarmonyPatch(typeof(ClassInjector), "GetIl2CppTypeFullName")]
internal static class ClassInjectorPatch
    public static void Postfix(ref string __result)
        if (__result.Contains("Assembly-CSharp"))
            __result = "Il2Cpp." + __result;

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HerpDerpinstine commented 4 days ago

Should be fixed in the upcoming v0.6.5 update