LavaGang / MelonLoader

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[Bug]: Unicode characters not supported in names (method, type...) #659

Open laymain opened 3 weeks ago

laymain commented 3 weeks ago

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Hi there,

I am facing an issue with Rewired library and IL2CPP, MelonLoader is not able to load the dependency because of an invalid name:

[01:18:23.989] [DEBUG] [AssemblyVerifier] Il2CppRewired_Core.dll Has an Invalid Type Name String "MethodInfoStoreGeneric_nqXVGKvgfzozBIAcnvWAyMFzaDld_Internal_Static_Int32_IList_1_☺_Predicate_1_☺_Int32_0`1"


SamboyCoding commented 3 weeks ago

This is arguably a bug in Il2cppInterop which should have renamed the type to not contain those characters (so that they can be referenced in c# source code, if nothing else)

laymain commented 3 weeks ago

I'm not sure to understand, in C#, Unicode characters are allowed for type and method names

[EDIT] Hum... you're right, there seem to be a non-valid character in this name, but some are valid, AssemblyVerifier could take inspiration from

SamboyCoding commented 3 weeks ago

To be clear, what I mean by invalid character is that we should, in theory, force all type and member names to contain only printable ascii characters. Whether or not you can in theory have an emoji in c# type names isn't particularly relevant because they will be a pain to type in an IDE anyway.

laymain commented 2 weeks ago

Submitted a PR to Il2CppInterop, hopefully it will be merged 🤞