LavaGang / MelonLoader

The World's First Universal Mod Loader for Unity Games compatible with both Il2Cpp and Mono
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug]: Internal CLR Error (0x80131506) #663

Open afunniguy opened 2 weeks ago

afunniguy commented 2 weeks ago

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Describe the issue.

The game had an update and when trying to load up the game, it can get through everything but when it comes to opening the game, it shows an error that doesn't even get logged and closes. I've tried everything from changing the game's path, trying different versions of melonloader, etc but to no luck. Does anyone happen to have any solutions?


-- Error that doesn't show in Log -- Fatal error. Internal CLR error. (0x80131506) Repeat 2 times: at 112CppInterop.Runtime.IL2CPP.i12cpp_runtime_invoke(IntPtr, IntPtr, Void**, IntPtr ByRef) at UnityEngine.GameObject.AddComponent (I12CppSystem.Type) at MelonLoader. Support. SM_Component.Create() at MelonLoader.Support.Main. Initialize (MelonLoader. ISupportModule_From) at System.RuntimeMethodHandle. InvokeMethod (System.Object, System. Span` 1 ByRef, System.Signature, Boole an, Boolean) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke (System.Object, System.Reflection.BindingFlags, System.Reflection.Binder , System.Object[], System.Globalization. CultureInfo) at System.Reflection.MethodBase. Invoke(System.Object, System.Object[]) at MelonLoader. Support Module.LoadInterface (System.String) at MelonLoader. SupportModule.Setup() at MelonLoader.Core.Start() at MelonLoader.NativeHost.NativeEntryPoint.Start()

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SamboyCoding commented 2 weeks ago

Il2CppInterop issue, likely unity 2022.3 support incomplete. There is something to be done our side RE the EndOfStreamException at the top, so this should stay open.