LavaMoat / snow

Use Snow to finally secure your web app's same origin realms!
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Support "unsafes" - unsafely configure Snow to allow non-secure operations #110

Open weizman opened 1 year ago

weizman commented 1 year ago


As of today, it is a conscious decision to disable some native behaviour in the browser when it is (1) posing a security concern to Snow and (2) is a behaviour that is unused legitimately in the wild.

This is something we'll continue to do, but it's also contradicting our will to make Snow a perfect shim, meaning it shouldn't harm web apps normal behaviour whatsoever.

Therefore, it is time to allow some level of configuration for Snow.

At the very least, a way to tell Snow to either "block activities that might pose danger to Snow" or "keep Snow protection, but not at the cost of disabling browser native behaviour", so that security focused vendors could take the risk, while observability focused vendors could opt out of that risk and stick to most realm creation cases instead of all (e.g. what happened at

mmndaniel commented 1 year ago

This is great. How did you think to implement that? something like SNOW(cb, { mode: 'lax' }), or SNOW(cb, {ALLOW_SRCDOC_WITH_CSP: true}) (etc, for each potentially breaking behavior)?

weizman commented 1 year ago

Great question. Currently, it's one of the two. I'm wondering if to split it to either:

This requires some thinking, am very open to opinions on this.

weizman commented 11 months ago

Now that #133 is about to be merged, this issue gets a different spin. We might want Snow to accept "unsafes" with which the user can request to unsafely allow actions that Snow currently throws on. In other words, allow each error Snow throws to be silent by configuration, for those who are willing to give up on security in sake of support and adoption. I'll leave this issue open, and if anyone wants this to happen, speak up 🙏