Lavaeolous / PF1-StatBlock-Converter-Module

FoundryVTT Module to convert PF1 Statblocks into Foundry Actors (PC or NPC).
MIT License
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monster with long name getting stuck on creature size #319

Closed classicrp closed 3 years ago

classicrp commented 4 years ago

So I'm still at bringing the critters in from my Shattered Star modified module and I was bringing in 4 elementals. "formattedInput" is built perfectly. Once it gets to "mapGeneralData()" it errs out at "#2440" after hitting "= enumTokenSize[formattedInput.size].w;". The in-game converter comes back with "TypeError: Cannot read property 'w' of undefined;". I couldn't get around this one but did notice on "#2439 = =;" the .name property is being assigned twice to the same object.

sbc_statblock_converter_message sbs_js-formattedInput sbs_js-line2440 4_Advanced_Medium_Water_Elemental.txt

Lavaeolous commented 4 years ago

2439 will be fixed, but should not lead to that error.

I have a hunch that thats another case of Problems i had earlier with "Medium", as thats a Size Category as well as a Class.

Lavaeolous commented 4 years ago

I can't replicate that with the elementals found on AoN (e.g.

Could you send me your statblocks? They look like they were generated by HeroLab or PCGen?

classicrp commented 4 years ago

I did send it and yes it was a Hero Lab build. One thing I have noticed is that SBC doesn't like having the monster templates in the name; Advanced, Fiendish, Celestial, etc... Because of the nature of my Mythic campaign, most of my creatures are beyond the norm. I'll run it today without Advanced in the name and see if that is tripping it up. Thanks.

classicrp commented 4 years ago

Just noticed that I also have Medium and medium on two different lines. One for the name, one for the race. I'll scrub that one first and try.

classicrp commented 4 years ago

It was in three places, but that was it. I removed the medium from the middle one: Advanced Medium Water Elemental CR 6 XP 2,400 Male advanced medium water elemental (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 126, p.288) N Medium outsider (elemental, extraplanar, water) and it worked. It also just so happens to be the only lower-case 'medium'.