Lavaeolous / PF1-StatBlock-Converter-Module

FoundryVTT Module to convert PF1 Statblocks into Foundry Actors (PC or NPC).
MIT License
14 stars 12 forks source link

Broken for all tested inputs as of Foundry 0.8.8 / pf1e 0.78.14 #475

Closed NorthernTempest closed 3 years ago

NorthernTempest commented 3 years ago

Any input I have tried causes the following error, even on a clean world with only sbc as the only module.

Error (from console):

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'total' of undefined   at attacksParser.parse (sbcParsers.js:2490)   at parseOffense (sbcParsers.js:1852)   at async parseCategories (sbcParsers.js:161)   at async Function.parseInput (sbcParser.js:212)   at async Function.prepareInput (sbcParser.js:66)   at async sbcInput.js:110

Lavaeolous commented 3 years ago

Yeah, that issue is known, thanks for including this here i did not have the time. I'm currently waiting for an update to the system, as there is a broken function sbc uses included there. I may have to revert the dependency on this system function if no solution is available in the near future.

Lavaeolous commented 3 years ago

Temporary Actors no longer included all data "normal" actors included. Fixed in 3.3.1

NorthernTempest commented 3 years ago

Thanks for posting the fix!