Lavaeolous / PF1-StatBlock-Converter-Module

FoundryVTT Module to convert PF1 Statblocks into Foundry Actors (PC or NPC).
MIT License
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Please stop force indexing everything at world launch #493

Closed mkahvi closed 2 years ago

mkahvi commented 2 years ago

While SBC is enabled, all the compendiums are force indexed for all users and is causing some serious loading issues.

Even if desirable, I believe this should be limited to users who pass .isGM check, but even then I feel like the indexing should be done only on demand, not pre-emptively.

SBC 3.3.2, PF1 0.79.10, Foundry 0.8.9

Lavaeolous commented 2 years ago

Disabled in 3.3.3. This was needed in the past, as the search for items in compendia needed a built index. Seems the work @JustNoon did with the system-function findInCompendia() removed the need for pre-built indices, so i disabled it for now. Let me know if something brakes because of this, in my tests everything seems to work fine.