Lavaeolous / PF1-StatBlock-Converter-Module

FoundryVTT Module to convert PF1 Statblocks into Foundry Actors (PC or NPC).
MIT License
14 stars 12 forks source link

Import issue - Missing Resistances and maybe more #636

Open SweetJX opened 1 month ago

SweetJX commented 1 month ago

good evening! All good ?

I'm just stopping by to report that the module is having some problems when importing stablocks. I am only using what is available in the Journals, without any changes to the creatures' Statblocks.

Here is an image: imagem_2024-07-21_204421601

Lavaeolous commented 1 month ago


just a quick heads-up: I no longer maintain the statblock converter.

You can find the current version of sbc and its current maintainer here:

Thanks for reaching out, Lavaeolous