Lawlzee / UnityMapGenerator

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[Feature request] Ambient particle effects. #20

Open HyperInvox opened 1 month ago

HyperInvox commented 1 month ago

Title. There's a couple stages in vanilla that have them (Scorched Acres has its embers and Rallypoint Delta has snowfall, there's also Sulfur Pools with its gas fog though that might be more complicated) and considering the stage themes included in this mod are mostly based on the vanilla stages, I feel like they'd do good for immersion value and general polish. Don't know if it'd be tough to add or not. Might depend on how vanilla does it.

I have a bunch of other feature requests jogging around my brain though I don't want to be a burden and clog up the issues tab lol.

Lawlzee commented 2 weeks ago

This is definitely something I want to add. Right now I do plan to add those particle effects:

If you have any other suggestion on where I can particles in the mod, let me know

You can also it me up on discord if you don't want to spam the issue tab. You can also just create other issues, it's fine.