Still, it's mostly just a copy paste from the example GUI in climb which makes the following changes:
Keplr errors on init are handled more gracefully
Changing the address in Keplr propagates throughout the app
More specifically: support for "refreshing" a signing client in case the underlying mechanism has a new public key, and a futures-based broadcast system to send out events to any component that's interested (such as immediately refreshing a balance)
small change- gas_amount as string is now gas_price as f32 (and updated configs)
Lastly is just adding in the new boilerplate for wasmatic/task-queue commands, and so it's whatever little changes or refactorings were needed to accommodate it (like putting library feature on contracts in workspace sharing)
This was originally a small-ish PR that only made cosmetic changes, but now it includes and
Still, it's mostly just a copy paste from the example GUI in climb which makes the following changes:
And the changes in which were already approved
Lastly is just adding in the new boilerplate for wasmatic/task-queue commands, and so it's whatever little changes or refactorings were needed to accommodate it (like putting
feature on contracts in workspace sharing)