Existing graphman configuration allows the user to work with two gateway profiles named as sourceGateway and targetGateway.
With this, user is allowed to work with multiple gateway profiles. Configured gateway profiles can be referenced as an option (--gateway name) while executing the export, import, renew, diff operations.
graphman.bat export --using all --gateway some-gateway
By default, gateways are protected from the accidental mutations, hence they will be ignored. In order to allow the mutations, set the "allowMutations" option to true.
Policy code can be seen in multiple formats (xml, json, yaml, code). By default, it will be exported in xml format. This can be changed to other supported formats by chanding the policyCodeFormat option.
Similarly, key format can be changed using keyFormat option. By default, keys will be seen in p12 format. Other supported variant is pem.
Existing graphman configuration allows the user to work with two gateway profiles named as sourceGateway and targetGateway. With this, user is allowed to work with multiple gateway profiles. Configured gateway profiles can be referenced as an option (--gateway name) while executing the export, import, renew, diff operations.
graphman.bat export --using all --gateway some-gateway
graphman.bat import --input some-bundle.json --gateway some-other-gateway
In the above operations, if gateway option is not specified, it will be defaulted to "default" gateway profile.
graphman.bat diff --input some-bundle.json --input some-other-bundle.json
graphman.bat diff --input some-bundle.json --input @some-gateway
In the above diff command, input can be a bundle or gateway. If gateway, make sure it is prefixed with '@' special char.
Default graphman configuration is as follows:
By default, gateways are protected from the accidental mutations, hence they will be ignored. In order to allow the mutations, set the "allowMutations" option to true.
Policy code can be seen in multiple formats (xml, json, yaml, code). By default, it will be exported in xml format. This can be changed to other supported formats by chanding the policyCodeFormat option.
Similarly, key format can be changed using keyFormat option. By default, keys will be seen in p12 format. Other supported variant is pem.