Getting Graphman client ready for publishing to NPM registry
graphman-client module is expected to be published to the npm registry with name: @layer7/graphman
To use the module, it needs to be installed using the below command
npm install @layer7/graphman
Once the the module is available local to the wrapper directory or globally, it can be used.
Graphman client wrapper will be provided outside of the npm registry. If needed, users may have their own wrapper to use the actual client module.
Now, graphman client wrapper can have following things to extend the client
Getting Graphman client ready for publishing to NPM registry graphman-client module is expected to be published to the npm registry with name: @layer7/graphman
To use the module, it needs to be installed using the below command npm install @layer7/graphman
Once the the module is available local to the wrapper directory or globally, it can be used.
Graphman client wrapper will be provided outside of the npm registry. If needed, users may have their own wrapper to use the actual client module.
Now, graphman client wrapper can have following things to extend the client