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forge coverage fails to run on OApp #42

Open eugenPtr opened 4 months ago

eugenPtr commented 4 months ago

I am unable to run forge coverage in any foundry project integrating OApp or directly in the library's oapp folder

I get the following "Stack too deep error":


Tried running it with the --ir-minimum and --via-ir flags without success.

Taiko managed to fix this by restructuring their data storage layout. I am not sure how easy would be to do this in LayerZero. Source

I believe it's important to be able to generate the coverage report for any dapp integrating LayerZero and I'm wondering what could potentially be a solution to this issue.

jordaniza commented 3 weeks ago

+1 also have this issue

jordaniza commented 3 weeks ago

// import {EndpointV2} from "@layerzerolabs/lz-evm-protocol-v2/contracts/EndpointV2.sol"; // import {SendUln302Mock as SendUln302} from "@lz-oapp-test/mocks/SendUln302Mock.sol"; // import {SimpleMessageLibMock} from "@lz-oapp-test/mocks/SimpleMessageLibMock.sol";

The above 3 libraries all generate compiler errors when trying to run coverage.

jordaniza commented 3 weeks ago

This error persists even with --ir-minimum