Layout-Parser / layout-parser

A Unified Toolkit for Deep Learning Based Document Image Analysis
Apache License 2.0
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OS error on Detectron2LayoutModel #158

Open MarouaneZ1 opened 1 year ago

MarouaneZ1 commented 1 year ago
erreurDetectron erreurDetectronn

i'm trying to use detectron2 model for extraction information but i got this problem, i tried many ways but i failed to solve it, i tried to use google collab but it throws me :"ImportError: you cannot import is_directory", does anyone know how can i fix it ? any help would be appreciated

ws719547997 commented 1 year ago

meet same things

alexHxun commented 1 year ago

me too

alexHxun commented 1 year ago

I fixed it: download the config file and open it ,find the line like "WEIGHTS:" copy the link and open it on your browser, download the model file , modify the path of weight in config file 'WEIGHTS: path to your model file', and runing your demo file

Dkdatavid commented 10 months ago

I fixed it: download the config file and open it ,find the line like "WEIGHTS:" copy the link and open it on your browser, download the model file , modify the path of weight in config file 'WEIGHTS: path to your model file', and runing your demo file

Cool, but what if we donot want to download a model manually, like for one case - during deployment with docker?