LayoutFarm / HtmlRenderer

C# HTML Layout and HTML Rendering Engine
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Build problems #17

Closed GustavoHennig closed 5 years ago

GustavoHennig commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am trying to build the project and I have many broken references and there are several projects unavailable. Is this guide still valid?

prepare commented 6 years ago


Thank you for your interest. That guide is too old. I will revise it again later.

at this moment, I provide an early help first.

How to Build the HtmlRenderer

2018, June

OS: Win10 Visual Studio: 2017

Screenshot step-by-step is here :)

1. Clone I start with a folder name 'd:\projects'

We need 2 projects

1) HtmlRenderer (, master branch) 2) PixelFarm (, master branch)

clone it into the d:\projects folder


pic 1: the 2 projects must be placed in the same level like this picture, there are cross-references between them

2. Build PixelFarm

02_open_pixelfarm_minidev_sln pic 2: VS2017, Open that MiniDev.sln in that folder

03_build_pixelfarm pic 3: Solution Explorer, Build All


pic 4: Succeeded!

3. Build HtmlRenderer


pic 5: Open that solution


pic 6: Solution Explorer, Build All


pic 7: Succeeded!

4. Test It


_pic 8: F5 on Test3MixHtml project, click the example in the RedBox


pic 9: Acid1 test page

GustavoHennig commented 6 years ago

Thank you, it worked!

I had to do 2 small changes to run:

prepare commented 6 years ago

If you want that data ... "d:/test/icu60/brkitr_src/dictionaries" =>

It is 'raw' Icu data for text-break

It try to look for this ...

or download the original Icu data (

prepare commented 6 years ago

More info about HtmlRenderer ... see

prepare commented 6 years ago

This guide has been changed again.

Previously, the Typography lib is embeded in the PixelFarm.

Now, I spin off the Typography, and remove it from PixelFarm.

When one build the PixelFarm. You need to clone the Typography into the folder (Typography) at the same level as PixelFarm. (like the HtmlRenderer need the PixelFarm on the same level)

jingyiliu commented 5 years ago

Failed to build the Typography! The error is found at: BitmapFontMx->ReadGlyphImages method. It seems that a GetBuffer method is missing in type PixelFarm.CpuBlit.ActualBitmap.

prepare commented 5 years ago

Hello @jingyiliu

I forget to upload latest Typography.

The error should be fixed with this

jingyiliu commented 5 years ago

It works now. Thank you for your quick response.

prepare commented 4 years ago

Latest all-in-one build, see=>