like issue #18 I too have the problem of getting the temperature back from a temperature sensor that is
replied from a M105. My temperature sensor is named "M:". I set it up this way in Klipper and this is the temp sensor
of the STM32 on the Spider board.
Hi, like issue #18 I too have the problem of getting the temperature back from a temperature sensor that is replied from a M105. My temperature sensor is named "M:". I set it up this way in Klipper and this is the temp sensor of the STM32 on the Spider board.
The M105 looks like this:
I set the custom temp sensor and regexp to this:
Regarding to the Regex Tester (https://de.infobyip.com/regularexpressioncalculator.php) it should give back the right value:
However, I just get a waiting circle:
What would be the correct expression to get the temperature displayed? Thanks a lot in advance.