Lazy-Newb-Pack / Lazy-Newb-Pack-Linux

A Lazy Newb Pack for Linux
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PyLNP: No such file or directory at startup #10

Closed kusayuzayushko closed 9 years ago

kusayuzayushko commented 9 years ago

LNP/utilities/dwarf_therapist/DwarfTherapist (No such file or directory) ./startlnp: line 15: ./PyLNP: No such file or directory

lethosor commented 9 years ago

Do those files exist? Where did you download your copy of the pack?

kusayuzayushko commented 9 years ago

$ git pull Already up-to-date.

$ pwd /home/kusayu/Games/Lazy-Newb-Pack-Linux

$ls pack/ | grep PyLNP PyLNP.json

$ ls pack/LNP/utilities exclude.txt include.txt

Do those files exist?

It seems not.

Where did you download your copy of the pack?

Get it via 'git clone'

Also, if I use the pack taken out of the DFFD, there have these files, but i have en error 'Tileset not Found. Not found: data/art/Phoebus_16x16.png'

lethosor commented 9 years ago

This repo does not include binaries at all. You should download a full package from the "releases" tab in this repo or from DFFD. Since it sounds like you've done that, what distro are you using? Do you see any messages that start with "[distro_fixes]" in the terminal?

(Edit: You can also download the pack from

kusayuzayushko commented 9 years ago

Yes, there are such messages [distro_fixes] INFO Checking whether any ARCH/distro specific fixes are required... [distro_fixes] INFO OS: Linux [distro_fixes] INFO ARCH: x86_64 [distro_fixes] INFO VER: 4.0.1-1-ARCH [distro_fixes] INFO DF_ARCH: 32-bit [distro_fixes] INFO DF_BIN_LOCATION: /home/kusayu/Games/04024r3-x64/df_linux/libs/Dwarf_Fortress [distro_fixes] INFO 32 bit df on Linux/64bit detected [distro_fixes] WARN 32bit 'Dwarf_Fortress' on unhandled 64bit OS detected. If you get 'missing file' errors, please open an issue on Github: [distro_fixes] INFO Done

a have a 64bit ArchLinux machine, and there are many tiles fies in '../04024r3-x64/df_linux/data/art/' What i'm doing wrong?

lethosor commented 9 years ago

Can you try replacing with the latest version (raw link)?

lethosor commented 9 years ago

A couple other questions:

kusayuzayushko commented 9 years ago

Same problem with new

[distro_fixes] [INFO] Checking whether any distro specific fixes are required... which: invalid option -- 's' [distro_fixes] [INFO] OS: antergos [distro_fixes] [INFO] ARCH: x86_64 [distro_fixes] [INFO] VER: [distro_fixes] [INFO] DF_ARCH: /usr/bin/egrep 32-bit [distro_fixes] [INFO] DF_BIN_LOCATION: /home/kusayu/Games/04024r3-x64/df_linux/libs/Dwarf_Fortress [distro_fixes] [INFO] PRELOAD_LIB: [distro_fixes] [INFO] LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /tmp/_MEIZzObsA [distro_fixes] [INFO] Done

and, yes, antergos is a Arch based distro. I totally forgot about it, sorry for that.

lsb_release -si


cat /etc/os-release

NAME=Antergos ID=antergos ID_LIKE=arch PRETTY_NAME=Antergos ANSI_COLOR="1;34;40" HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL=""

lethosor commented 9 years ago

All right, can you try distro_fixes from this branch?

kusayuzayushko commented 9 years ago

Finally! It work, i am very appreciate for your help. Also, I saw it in the log

... Can't load plugin /home/kusayu/Games/04024r3-x64/df_linux/hack/plugins/ ... is it ok?

and here is distro_fixes log [distro_fixes] [INFO] Checking whether any distro specific fixes are required... [distro_fixes] [INFO] OS: arch [distro_fixes] [INFO] ARCH: x86_64 [distro_fixes] [INFO] VER: rolling [distro_fixes] [INFO] DF_ARCH: 32-bit [distro_fixes] [INFO] DF_BIN_LOCATION: /home/kusayu/Games/04024r3-x64/df_linux/libs/Dwarf_Fortress [distro_fixes] [INFO] 32 bit df on arch/64bit detected [distro_fixes] [INFO] Attempting to use zlib at /usr/lib32/ [distro_fixes] [INFO] PRELOAD_LIB: /usr/lib32/ [distro_fixes] [INFO] LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /tmp/_MEIa478fR [distro_fixes] [INFO] Done

lethosor commented 9 years ago

Good to hear! Regarding Stonesense, you're probably missing the right version of libjpeg or some other dependencies - check stderr.log in the DF folder for details.

ri0t commented 8 years ago

Running Debian unstable here, getting same results. The release tarball here doesn't contain pyLNP nor the Therapist.

lethosor commented 8 years ago

If you're downloading a tarball, that's generated by Github and equivalent to cloning the repo, which won't give you a working pack. You want "" or "" (follow the links to the legacy repo if you're looking at this repo's releases page).