Lazy-Newb-Pack / Lazy-Newb-Pack-Linux

A Lazy Newb Pack for Linux
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Arch Linux distro fix not working #29

Closed Wiki-fan closed 8 years ago

Wiki-fan commented 8 years ago

I still get "missing files" errors. It says so: [distro_fixes] INFO Checking whether any ARCH/distro specific fixes are required... [distro_fixes] INFO OS: Linux [distro_fixes] INFO ARCH: x86_64 [distro_fixes] INFO VER: 4.3.3-3-ARCH [distro_fixes] INFO DF_ARCH: 32-bit [distro_fixes] INFO 32 bit df on Linux/64bit detected [distro_fixes] WARN 32bit 'Dwarf_Fortress' on unhandled 64bit OS detected. If you get 'missing file' errors, please open an issue on Github: [distro_fixes] INFO Done It looks like OS variable is just Linux. If I simply change elif [ x"$OS" == x'Arch' ]; then to elif [ x"$OS" == x'Linux' ]; then, everything works.

blotta commented 8 years ago

I have the exact same output. Sorry, but what file should be changed?

Wiki-fan commented 8 years ago

It is quite dirty trick, but changing can be a temporary solution.

blotta commented 8 years ago

My god! Dirty did it! Thanks!

lethosor commented 8 years ago

Can you try replacing that file with the latest version in this repo?

blotta commented 8 years ago

Copying the file from this repo to the DF downloaded from lazy newb pack linux also did the trick! Thanks

Wiki-fan commented 8 years ago

Yes, it works. But why stuff on so outdated? Anyway, thx. Problem is solved.