Lazy-Newb-Pack / Lazy-Newb-Pack-Linux

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Df and LNP on Arch missing files #36

Open kirill-dev-pro opened 8 years ago

kirill-dev-pro commented 8 years ago
λ Nout df_linux → ./df 
[distro_fixes] INFO Checking whether any ARCH/distro specific fixes are required...
[distro_fixes] INFO OS: Linux
[distro_fixes] INFO ARCH: x86_64
[distro_fixes] INFO VER: 4.4.5-1-ARCH
[distro_fixes] INFO DF_ARCH: 32-bit
[distro_fixes] INFO DF_BIN_LOCATION: /home/kirill/Downloads/04024r3-x64/df_linux/libs/Dwarf_Fortress
[distro_fixes] INFO 32 bit df on Linux/64bit detected
[distro_fixes] WARN 32bit 'Dwarf_Fortress' on unhandled 64bit OS detected. If you get 'missing file' errors, please open an issue on Github:
[distro_fixes] INFO Done
./df: line 11: ./libs/Dwarf_Fortress: Нет такого файла или каталога

Last line is "no such file or directory"

λ Nout 04024r3-x64 → ./startlnp 
Значение не установлено для «/desktop/gnome/applications/terminal/exec»
Значение не установлено для «/desktop/gnome/applications/terminal/exec_arg»
xdg-terminal: configured terminal program '' not found or not executable

First 2 lines is something like "no value for"

lethosor commented 8 years ago

Try replacing with

kirill-dev-pro commented 8 years ago

Well, now I got this output

λ Nout df_linux → ./df 
[distro_fixes] [INFO] Checking whether any distro specific fixes are required...
[distro_fixes] [INFO] OS: arch
[distro_fixes] [INFO] ARCH: x86_64
[distro_fixes] [INFO] VER: 
[distro_fixes] [INFO] DF_ARCH: 32-bit
[distro_fixes] [INFO] DF_BIN_LOCATION: /home/kirill/Downloads/04024r3-x64/df_linux/libs/Dwarf_Fortress
[distro_fixes] [INFO] 32 bit df on arch/64bit detected
[distro_fixes] [WARN] Could not find /usr/lib32/
[distro_fixes] [INFO] Attempting to use zlib at /usr/lib/
[distro_fixes] [INFO] PRELOAD_LIB: /usr/lib/
[distro_fixes] [INFO] LD_LIBRARY_PATH: 
[distro_fixes] [INFO] Done
./df: line 11: ./libs/Dwarf_Fortress: Нет такого файла или каталога

Still no such file or directory

lethosor commented 8 years ago

Do you have a 32-bit zlib installed (e.g. zlib:i386 on some distros)?

kirill-dev-pro commented 8 years ago

Yes, I have zlib installed

lethosor commented 8 years ago

Do you have a 32-bit zlib installed? If you're on 64-bit Linux, /usr/lib/ is probably 64-bit.

kirill-dev-pro commented 8 years ago

Not sure about that. pacman -Ss zlib:i386 show nothing How to look this information?

lethosor commented 8 years ago

Try lib32-zlib

kirill-dev-pro commented 8 years ago

There is no such library. pacman -Ss lib32-zlib and yaourt lib32-zlib show nothing. But i found this: Unfortunately i couldnt be instaled becouse of missing dependings

lethosor commented 8 years ago

What about You are on 64-bit arch, right? Maybe you have to add the multilib repository somehow.

kirill-dev-pro commented 8 years ago

Yep, you were right, the problem was in multilib. When i set my arch up, i uncomment only one line for multillib in /etc/pacman.conf and the other line was commented (#[multilib]). So I uncomment it, run sudo pacman -Suy and then install x32 zlib and all other missing x32 libraris such as lib-sdl, lib-gtk, openall, etc.. All of it told me game itself, all but the first case about missing something in ./libs. That was not obviously. So thanks for help, lethosor. Maybe this case is to keep a reference to it on LNP forum page as was the case for ubuntu?

lethosor commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I'm not really sure what the "file not found" error means, but the filename in it is definitely not the file that's missing.