Lazy-Newb-Pack / Lazy-Newb-Pack-Linux

A Lazy Newb Pack for Linux
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dfhack script and library issue on x86_64 Ubuntu 10.4 #6

Open bdbryant opened 9 years ago

bdbryant commented 9 years ago

1) PyLNP worked out of the box, but to start a game it popped up a window that that disappeared before it showed anything, and wrote nothing to std{err,out}.txt.

2) So I tried starting it with the dfhack script, but got errors because it invokes /bin/sh rather than /bin/bash.

3) Fixing that let the script run, and it gave the "32bit DF on unhandled 64bit OS detected", and a request to open an issue here for missing file errors. I get the error for

4) I searched the web for dfhack linux 32 64 libgtk-x11, and it turned up the LNP-L github page. That page has the command for installing the necessary libraries, but it's way down below the DF release notes. You may want to consider moving it up to the "Linux Download" section at the top of the page, and change the section to "Installation".

Notice that I got LNP-L from dffd, which lists the libraries but doesn't tell you how to find out if you have them. You may want to add an installation section there as well.

lethosor commented 9 years ago

What distro are you using? /bin/sh should exist on practically any modern distribution.

bdbryant commented 9 years ago

Ubuntu. For some reason /bin/sh --> dash rather than bash. So the script ran, but didn't recognize $BASH_SOURCE in line 19 because it wasn't using the bash interpreter.

lethosor commented 9 years ago

Ah, that was fixed recently but apparently not in r3. You can try replacing with the most recent copy from this repo, although it probably won't help with the GTK issue. Regarding GTK, I think that's a requirement of DF itself (which is listed in README.linux, on the wiki, forum thread, and probably other places as well). The list of dependencies should be added to, though. I'm assuming the site you were referring to was this, which really ought to be moved over to at some point. @BeauBouchard, thoughts?

bdbryant commented 9 years ago

OK, I'll try the distro_fixes, though changing the script to /bin/bash worked too.

I fixed GTK with the recommended sudo command; I was just suggesting that you create an installation section for people who aren't accustomed to troubleshooting. People who install the LNP may not even see the other sites.

The site was actually

Thank you for providing LNP-L !

Wolf-086 commented 4 years ago

I am having the same issue. I have installed all of the dependencies. I am a bit of a Linux Newb, I tried to follow everything said but it won't launch.