With this it works as expected: /AmazonSmile: (.{0,46}).*/$1/gi and gives a title of: Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S61 MKII w
But if I change the value "46" to "45" like this:/AmazonSmile: (.{0,45}).*/$1/gi it gives an error with a title of Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S61 MKII | Regex Error: No pattern Match
Both regexes work as expected at the test site: https://regex101.com using this as the Test String: AmazonSmile: Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S61 MKII with Komplete 11 Ultimate: Musical Instruments
I discovered what appears to be an odd bug retitling this page: https://smile.amazon.com/Native-Instruments-Komplete-Kontrol-Ultimate/dp/B076NWVQG1
With this it works as expected:
/AmazonSmile: (.{0,46}).*/$1/gi
and gives a title of:Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S61 MKII w
But if I change the value "46" to "45" like this:
/AmazonSmile: (.{0,45}).*/$1/gi
it gives an error with a title ofNative Instruments Komplete Kontrol S61 MKII | Regex Error: No pattern Match
Both regexes work as expected at the test site: https://regex101.com using this as the Test String:
AmazonSmile: Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S61 MKII with Komplete 11 Ultimate: Musical Instruments