Lazza / RecuperaBit

A tool for forensic file system reconstruction.
GNU General Public License v3.0
517 stars 73 forks source link

Doesn't work for my disk #118

Open TishSerg opened 6 months ago

TishSerg commented 6 months ago

My disk (to be more precise: the partition of interest) is perfectly recoverable by the top recovery tools (R-Studio and DMDE).

Since I read through your master thesis and liked it I wanted to test RecuperaBit on that disk/partition. To my disappointment it didn't work as expected. I would say it didn't work at all.

I boot live Caine 13.0. RecuperaBit v1.1.1 already present there. But since it's not the latest version, I downloaded v1.1.6 from GitHub and ran it using Python.

The disk condition:

First I wanted to check only the partition of interest:

caine@caine:~/Downloads/RecuperaBit-master$ sudo python ./ -s ../PHD_Data3_recuperabit.savefile -o ../PHD_Data3/ /dev/sdc6
     ___                                ___ _ _   
    | _ \___ __ _  _ _ __  ___ _ _ __ _| _ |_) |_ 
    |   / -_) _| || | '_ \/ -_) '_/ _` | _ \ |  _|
    |_|_\___\__|\_,_| .__/\___|_| \__,_|___/_|\__|
                    |_|   v1.1.6
    (c) 2014-2021, Andrea Lazzarotto <>
    Released under the GPLv3

INFO:root:Checking if results already exist.
INFO:root:Unable to open save file.
INFO:root:Results will be saved to ../PHD_Data3_recuperabit.savefile
Type [Enter] to start the analysis or "exit" / "quit" / "q" to quit: 
INFO:root:Analysis started! This is going to take time...
INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 0
INFO:root:Found NTFS index record at sector 16
INFO:root:Found NTFS index record at sector 24
INFO:root:Found NTFS index record at sector 40
WARNING:root:Cannot read sector(s). Filling with 0x00. Offset: 568 Size: 1 Bsize: 512
INFO:root:First scan completed
INFO:root:Saving results to ../PHD_Data3_recuperabit.savefile
INFO:root:Parsing MFT entries
INFO:root:Parsing INDX records
INFO:root:Reading boot sectors
INFO:root:Finding partition geometry
INFO:root:0 partitions found.

Write command ("help" for details):
> recoverable

Write command ("help" for details):
> allparts

Write command ("help" for details):

Surprised by that result, I ran it for whole disk:

caine@caine:~/Downloads/RecuperaBit-master$ sudo python ./ -s ../PHD_recuperabit.savefile -o ../PHD/ /dev/sdc
     ___                                ___ _ _   
    | _ \___ __ _  _ _ __  ___ _ _ __ _| _ |_) |_ 
    |   / -_) _| || | '_ \/ -_) '_/ _` | _ \ |  _|
    |_|_\___\__|\_,_| .__/\___|_| \__,_|___/_|\__|
                    |_|   v1.1.6
    (c) 2014-2021, Andrea Lazzarotto <>
    Released under the GPLv3

INFO:root:Checking if results already exist.
INFO:root:Unable to open save file.
INFO:root:Results will be saved to ../PHD_recuperabit.savefile
Type [Enter] to start the analysis or "exit" / "quit" / "q" to quit: 
INFO:root:Analysis started! This is going to take time...
Snip those 'INFO:root:Found NTFS * at sector *' ``` INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 2 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 1427750 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1427766 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1427768 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1427770 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1427772 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1427774 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1427776 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1427778 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1427780 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1427782 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1427784 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1427786 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1427788 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1427790 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429808 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429810 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429812 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429814 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429816 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429818 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429820 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429822 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429824 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429826 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429828 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429830 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429832 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429834 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429836 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1429838 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1432912 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1432914 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1432916 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 1432918 INFO:root:Found NTFS index record at sector 1432991 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 4931838 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 5524399 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 5864066 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864118 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864120 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864122 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864124 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864126 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864128 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864130 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864132 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864134 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864136 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864138 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864140 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864142 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864144 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864146 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864148 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864150 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864152 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864154 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864156 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864158 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864160 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864162 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864164 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864166 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864168 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864170 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5864172 INFO:root:Found NTFS index record at sector 5865526 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5865534 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5865536 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 5865538 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 5865962 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 6605323 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 6605851 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 6606379 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 6606907 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 7493810 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493862 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493864 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493866 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493868 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493870 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493872 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493874 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493876 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493878 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493880 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493882 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493884 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493886 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493888 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493890 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493892 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493894 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493896 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493898 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493900 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493902 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493904 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493906 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493908 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493910 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493912 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493914 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7493916 INFO:root:Found NTFS index record at sector 7495270 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7495278 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7495280 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 7495282 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 7495706 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 7525488 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 13311448 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 15612162 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15612178 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15612180 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15612182 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15612184 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15612186 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15612188 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15612190 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15612192 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15612194 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15612196 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15612198 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15612200 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15612202 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614220 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614222 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614224 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614226 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614228 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614230 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614232 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614234 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614236 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614238 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614240 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614242 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614244 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614246 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614248 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15614250 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15617324 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15617326 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15617328 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 15617330 INFO:root:Found NTFS index record at sector 15617403 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 15620092 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 17850956 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 17859444 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 17859985 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 17866669 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 17875944 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 17876485 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 17879444 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 17879985 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 17883075 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 17897560 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 17898101 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 17901792 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 17902333 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 17932392 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 17932933 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 17936008 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 17936549 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 17940220 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 17940761 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 17953412 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 17953953 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 20630019 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 24247578 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24247594 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24247596 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24247598 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24247600 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24247602 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24247604 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24247606 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24247608 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24247610 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24247612 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24247614 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24247616 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24247618 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249636 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249638 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249640 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249642 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249644 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249646 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249648 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249650 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249652 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249654 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249656 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249658 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249660 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249662 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249664 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24249666 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24252740 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24252742 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24252744 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24252746 INFO:root:Found NTFS index record at sector 24252819 INFO:root:Found NTFS boot sector at sector 24881982 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24881998 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24882000 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24882002 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24882004 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24882006 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24882008 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24882010 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24882012 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24882014 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24882016 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24882018 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24882020 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24882022 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884040 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884042 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884044 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884046 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884048 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884050 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884052 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884054 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884056 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884058 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884060 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884062 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884064 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884066 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884068 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24884070 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24887144 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24887146 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24887148 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 24887150 INFO:root:Found NTFS index record at sector 24887223 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 30925445 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 30962038 INFO:root:Found NTFS file record at sector 31011884 ```
WARNING:root:Cannot read sector(s). Filling with 0x00. Offset: 31519712 Size: 1 Bsize: 512
INFO:root:First scan completed
INFO:root:Saving results to ../PHD_recuperabit.savefile
INFO:root:Parsing MFT entries
INFO:root:Parsing INDX records
INFO:root:Reading boot sectors
DEBUG:root:Dropping bogus NTFS partition with MFT position 24887144 generated by MFT mirror of partition at offset 24881982
DEBUG:root:Dropping bogus NTFS partition with MFT position 24252740 generated by MFT mirror of partition at offset 24247578
DEBUG:root:Dropping bogus NTFS partition with MFT position 15617324 generated by MFT mirror of partition at offset 15612162
DEBUG:root:Dropping bogus NTFS partition with MFT position 1432912 generated by MFT mirror of partition at offset 1427750
INFO:root:Finding partition geometry
INFO:root:Finalizing MFT reconstruction of partition at offset 24881982
INFO:root:Adding extra attributes from $ATTRIBUTE_LIST
INFO:root:Adding ghost entries from $INDEX_ALLOCATION
INFO:root:Finalizing MFT reconstruction of partition at offset 24247578
INFO:root:Adding extra attributes from $ATTRIBUTE_LIST
INFO:root:Adding ghost entries from $INDEX_ALLOCATION
INFO:root:Finalizing MFT reconstruction of partition at offset 15612162
INFO:root:Adding extra attributes from $ATTRIBUTE_LIST
INFO:root:Adding ghost entries from $INDEX_ALLOCATION
INFO:root:Finalizing MFT reconstruction of partition at offset 1427750
INFO:root:Adding extra attributes from $ATTRIBUTE_LIST
INFO:root:Adding ghost entries from $INDEX_ALLOCATION
INFO:root:MFT for partition at offset 24881982 is fragmented. Trying to merge 2 parts...
DEBUG:root:Merging partition with MFT offset 24881966 into Partition (NTFS, 3.01 MB, 14 files, Recoverable, Offset: 24881982, Offset (b): 12739574784, Sec/Clus: 1, MFT offset: 24884040, MFT mirror offset: 24887144) (fragmented MFT)
INFO:root:MFT for partition at offset 24247578 is fragmented. Trying to merge 2 parts...
DEBUG:root:Merging partition with MFT offset 24247562 into Partition (NTFS, 3.01 MB, 14 files, Recoverable, Offset: 24247578, Offset (b): 12414759936, Sec/Clus: 1, MFT offset: 24249636, MFT mirror offset: 24252740) (fragmented MFT)
INFO:root:MFT for partition at offset 15612162 is fragmented. Trying to merge 2 parts...
DEBUG:root:Merging partition with MFT offset 15612146 into Partition (NTFS, 3.01 MB, 14 files, Recoverable, Offset: 15612162, Offset (b): 7993426944, Sec/Clus: 1, MFT offset: 15614220, MFT mirror offset: 15617324) (fragmented MFT)
INFO:root:MFT for partition at offset 1427750 is fragmented. Trying to merge 2 parts...
DEBUG:root:Merging partition with MFT offset 1427734 into Partition (NTFS, 3.01 MB, 14 files, Recoverable, Offset: 1427750, Offset (b): 731008000, Sec/Clus: 1, MFT offset: 1429808, MFT mirror offset: 1432912) (fragmented MFT)
INFO:root:6 partitions found.

Write command ("help" for details):
> recoverable
Partition #0 -> Partition (NTFS, 3.01 MB, 19 files, Recoverable, Offset: 24881982, Offset (b): 12739574784, Sec/Clus: 1, MFT offset: 24884040, MFT mirror offset: 24887144)
Partition #1 -> Partition (NTFS, 3.01 MB, 19 files, Recoverable, Offset: 24247578, Offset (b): 12414759936, Sec/Clus: 1, MFT offset: 24249636, MFT mirror offset: 24252740)
Partition #4 -> Partition (NTFS, 3.01 MB, 19 files, Recoverable, Offset: 15612162, Offset (b): 7993426944, Sec/Clus: 1, MFT offset: 15614220, MFT mirror offset: 15617324)
Partition #5 -> Partition (NTFS, 3.01 MB, 19 files, Recoverable, Offset: 1427750, Offset (b): 731008000, Sec/Clus: 1, MFT offset: 1429808, MFT mirror offset: 1432912)

Write command ("help" for details):
> allparts
Partition #0 -> Partition (NTFS, 3.01 MB, 19 files, Recoverable, Offset: 24881982, Offset (b): 12739574784, Sec/Clus: 1, MFT offset: 24884040, MFT mirror offset: 24887144)
Partition #1 -> Partition (NTFS, 3.01 MB, 19 files, Recoverable, Offset: 24247578, Offset (b): 12414759936, Sec/Clus: 1, MFT offset: 24249636, MFT mirror offset: 24252740)
Partition #2 -> Partition (NTFS, ??? b, 3 files, Offset: None, Offset (b): None, Sec/Clus: None, MFT offset: 5865486, MFT mirror offset: None)
Partition #3 -> Partition (NTFS, ??? b, 3 files, Offset: None, Offset (b): None, Sec/Clus: None, MFT offset: 7495230, MFT mirror offset: None)
Partition #4 -> Partition (NTFS, 3.01 MB, 19 files, Recoverable, Offset: 15612162, Offset (b): 7993426944, Sec/Clus: 1, MFT offset: 15614220, MFT mirror offset: 15617324)
Partition #5 -> Partition (NTFS, 3.01 MB, 19 files, Recoverable, Offset: 1427750, Offset (b): 731008000, Sec/Clus: 1, MFT offset: 1429808, MFT mirror offset: 1432912)

Write command ("help" for details):

See all the found partitions have same size and files? That's bullshit! Actual layout is:

root@caine:/home/caine# fdisk -l /dev/sdc
Disk /dev/sdc: 931,51 GiB, 1000204886016 bytes, 1953525168 sectors
Disk model: Silicon-Power   
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x8eb658a1

Device     Boot      Start        End    Sectors   Size Id Type
/dev/sdc1  *      75497472  314572799  239075328   114G  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sdc2        314572800  314638335      65536    32M ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32)
/dev/sdc3        356515777 1953521663 1597005887 761,5G  f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sdc5        356515840 1352660991  996145152   475G  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sdc6       1352663040 1751119871  398456832   190G  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT

Partition 3 does not start on physical sector boundary.

Additional info:

root@caine:/home/caine# file -s /dev/sdc6
/dev/sdc6: DOS/MBR boot sector, code offset 0x52+2, OEM-ID "NTFS    ", sectors/cluster 8, Media descriptor 0xf8, sectors/track 63, heads 255, hidden sectors 63, dos < 4.0 BootSector (0x80), FAT (1Y bit by descriptor); NTFS, sectors/track 63, sectors 398456824, $MFT start cluster 2286, $MFTMirror start cluster 4, bytes/RecordSegment 2^(-1*246), clusters/index block 1, serial number 01d741ab62d63ee0; contains bootstrap NTLDR
root@caine:/home/caine# hexdump -C -s 0 -n 512 -v /dev/sdc6
00000000  eb 52 90 4e 54 46 53 20  20 20 20 00 02 08 00 00  |.R.NTFS    .....|
00000010  00 00 00 00 00 f8 00 00  3f 00 ff 00 3f 00 00 00  |........?...?...|
00000020  00 00 00 00 80 00 80 00  f8 f7 bf 17 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000030  ee 08 00 00 00 00 00 00  04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000040  f6 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  e0 3e d6 62 ab 41 d7 01  |.........>.b.A..|
00000050  00 00 00 00 fa 33 c0 8e  d0 bc 00 7c fb b8 c0 07  |.....3.....|....|
00000060  8e d8 e8 16 00 b8 00 0d  8e c0 33 db c6 06 0e 00  |..........3.....|
00000070  10 e8 53 00 68 00 0d 68  6a 02 cb 8a 16 24 00 b4  |..S.h..hj....$..|
00000080  08 cd 13 73 05 b9 ff ff  8a f1 66 0f b6 c6 40 66  |...s......f...@f|
00000090  0f b6 d1 80 e2 3f f7 e2  86 cd c0 ed 06 41 66 0f  |.....?.......Af.|
000000a0  b7 c9 66 f7 e1 66 a3 20  00 c3 b4 41 bb aa 55 8a  |..f..f. ...A..U.|
000000b0  16 24 00 cd 13 72 0f 81  fb 55 aa 75 09 f6 c1 01  |.$...r...U.u....|
000000c0  74 04 fe 06 14 00 c3 66  60 1e 06 66 a1 10 00 66  |t......f`..f...f|
000000d0  03 06 1c 00 66 3b 06 20  00 0f 82 3a 00 1e 66 6a  |....f;.|
000000e0  00 66 50 06 53 66 68 10  00 01 00 80 3e 14 00 00  |.fP.Sfh.....>...|
000000f0  0f 85 0c 00 e8 b3 ff 80  3e 14 00 00 0f 84 61 00  |........>.....a.|
00000100  b4 42 8a 16 24 00 16 1f  8b f4 cd 13 66 58 5b 07  |.B..$.......fX[.|
00000110  66 58 66 58 1f eb 2d 66  33 d2 66 0f b7 0e 18 00  |fXfX..-f3.f.....|
00000120  66 f7 f1 fe c2 8a ca 66  8b d0 66 c1 ea 10 f7 36  |f......f..f....6|
00000130  1a 00 86 d6 8a 16 24 00  8a e8 c0 e4 06 0a cc b8  |......$.........|
00000140  01 02 cd 13 0f 82 19 00  8c c0 05 20 00 8e c0 66  |........... ...f|
00000150  ff 06 10 00 ff 0e 0e 00  0f 85 6f ff 07 1f 66 61  |..........o...fa|
00000160  c3 a0 f8 01 e8 09 00 a0  fb 01 e8 03 00 fb eb fe  |................|
00000170  b4 01 8b f0 ac 3c 00 74  09 b4 0e bb 07 00 cd 10  |.....<.t........|
00000180  eb f2 c3 0d 0a 41 20 64  69 73 6b 20 72 65 61 64  |.....A disk read|
00000190  20 65 72 72 6f 72 20 6f  63 63 75 72 72 65 64 00  | error occurred.|
000001a0  0d 0a 4e 54 4c 44 52 20  69 73 20 6d 69 73 73 69  |..NTLDR is missi|
000001b0  6e 67 00 0d 0a 4e 54 4c  44 52 20 69 73 20 63 6f  |ng...NTLDR is co|
000001c0  6d 70 72 65 73 73 65 64  00 0d 0a 50 72 65 73 73  |mpressed...Press|
000001d0  20 43 74 72 6c 2b 41 6c  74 2b 44 65 6c 20 74 6f  | Ctrl+Alt+Del to|
000001e0  20 72 65 73 74 61 72 74  0d 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00  | restart........|
000001f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  83 a0 b3 c9 00 00 55 aa  |..............U.|
First 8K of MFT Sorry, GitHub didn't allow me to post that much text, so I give you a file instead. As a bonus it's 1M instead of just 8K ;) `dd if=/dev/sdc6 bs=4K skip=$((0x8ee)) count=256 of=MFT.dd` [](
First 5 KB of MFT mirror (despite it's just 4K in size :D ) Sorry, GitHub didn't allow me to post that much text, so I give you a file instead. As a bonus it's 8K instead of 5K ;) `dd if=/dev/sdc6 bs=4K skip=4 count=2 of=MFT_mirror.dd` [](

Adding those savefiles just in case you want to take a look:

Lazza commented 6 months ago

This is probably related to #99. Can you confirm the drive is using a 4096 sector size?

TishSerg commented 6 months ago

Can you confirm the drive is using a 4096 sector size?

Well, yes, physically it does. Just like any other modern drive. But logically it is accessed like a legacy 512-bytes/sector drive... It has 1953525168 LBA (1 TB)

TishSerg commented 6 months ago

Can you confirm the drive is using a 4096 sector size?

BTW, you can see fdisk output I provided.