Lchiffon / wordcloud2

R interface to wordcloud for data visualization.
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Is there a way to specify angles of interest? #31

Open jananiravi opened 6 years ago

jananiravi commented 6 years ago

@Lchiffon I understand that you can specify either a single angle or a range of angles. Is there a way to specify a pair of angles: words to either appear horizontally and vertically (0, 90 or pi/2)? I tried to play around with the following parameters, but could not achieve the result I am expecting.

wordcloud2(wc, minSize=2, color="random-light",
            fontFamily="Helvetica", fontWeight="normal",
            minRotation=0, maxRotation=0, rotateRatio=1,
            # minRotation=pi/6, maxRotation=pi/6, rotateRatio=1,