Lchiffon / wordcloud2

R interface to wordcloud for data visualization.
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Fix tthe Issue #45, please update it. #46

Closed jacobyxu closed 6 years ago

jacobyxu commented 6 years ago

Hi Lchiffon,

I finally fix the firefox deploy issue and multiple plot click issue. please update it.

Thank you!



jacobyxu commented 6 years ago

Test results:

feature firefox chrome
hover info work work
multiple plot work work
separate click work work
special shape work not
Lchiffon commented 6 years ago

Thanks @JacobXPX could you please resolve these conflicts?

Conflicting files DESCRIPTION R/renderWordcloud2.R man/wordcloud2-shiny.Rd

jacobyxu commented 6 years ago

You mean change them back to what in the master branch now?

Lchiffon commented 6 years ago


@JacobXPX Your branch is behind the latest master branch, so there are some conflict in this repo, you can resolve it in the web editor

for Example:

<<<<<<< master
wordcloud2Output(outputId, width = "100\%", height = "400px")
clickedWordInputId is automatically generated by: paste0(outputId, "_clicked_word"))

wordcloud2Output(outputId, width = "100\%", height = "400px",
                 clickedWordInputId = "selected_word")
>>>>>>> master

should change to:

wordcloud2Output(outputId, width = "100\%", height = "400px",
                clickedWordInputId = "selected_word")

maybe next time you could run these code firstly:

git pull
git push
jacobyxu commented 6 years ago

In your example, since I want to keep:

wordcloud2Output(outputId, width = "100\%", height = "400px") clickedWordInputId is automatically generated by: paste0(outputId, "_clicked_word"))

I should just change it to this above, right?

Thank you for teaching me this. I think it should be fine now.

Lchiffon commented 6 years ago

And one more thing, if you add a file to the repo (like examples/img/new.gif) which will not used in R package, you should add the file name in .Rbuildignore

After finish .Rbuildignore , I think I can merge this PR

Lchiffon commented 6 years ago


jacobyxu commented 6 years ago

Thank you! learned a lot from you ;)