Lchiffon / wordcloud2

R interface to wordcloud for data visualization.
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Why could not the lettercloud() show the output normally? #51

Open pinkskyxj opened 5 years ago

pinkskyxj commented 5 years ago

I used "wordcloud2 version 0.2.1"&"R 3.5.0". When I tried the demo, letterCloud(demoFreq,"R") It couldn't show the output normally , but only a black "R" instead. How could I deal with the problem? image

rmcrowley2000 commented 5 years ago

I can replicate this bug using knitr + R 3.5.0 on Windows when using the CRAN version of the package. Installing from github sometimes fixes this for this specific example (i.e., "R"), but simply renders nothing (a blank rectangle) on any text with more than 1 character... With just 1 character, it seems hit or miss when knitting, which is rather odd -- i.e., on some knits the wordcloud will render, on others it is blank.

Edit: What I said is essentially a duplicate of what's already documented in issue #12 from December 2016... (and is a duplicate of #39)

anoryang commented 5 years ago

Same problem here, if i use the shape parameter or want to use a random pic as background, it renders a blank rectangle to me. Even the sample one does not work. Any idea? image

wym461636546 commented 4 years ago

just my own experience, refresh several times or open it in a webpage+install the packages from Github, the lettercloud will function normally

bk3333 commented 4 years ago
