LdDl / ch

Contraction Hierarchies (with bidirectional version of Dijkstra's algorithm) technique for computing shortest path in graph.
Apache License 2.0
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[FEATURE REQUEST] Improve perfomance #19

Open LdDl opened 3 years ago

LdDl commented 3 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Let's take a laptop:

goos: windows
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/LdDl/ch
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz

Run test (with debugged flag ON) on it for this Graph file containing ~211k edges:

go test -timeout 30s -v -run ^TestShortestPath$ github.com/LdDl/ch
--- PASS: TestShortestPath (10.32s)

Bassicaly it has taken ~10seconds to preprocess graph. It's not that bad. But.

Let's take another Graph file containing 251k edges:

go test -timeout 5000s -v -run ^TestShortestPath$ github.com/LdDl/ch
--- PASS: TestShortestPath (4240.13s)

Now it's about 70+ minutes. I guess the problem with that graph is (a) topology + (b) a lot of Dijkstra function calls during contraction process on last ~10k steps in priority queue (vertices sorted by importance).

Something needs to be done with preparing contraction hierarchies: improve heuristics (I don't think that ~[edges_num*2] number of generated shortcuts is a good ...) / delete unnecessary calculations / refactor code (probably find hidden bugs)

Additional context Used heuristics currently:

  1. Edge difference:
    // computeImportance Update importance of vertex
    func (vertex *Vertex) computeImportance() {
    // Worst possible shortcuts number throught the vertex is: NumWorstShortcuts = NumIncomingEdges*NumOutcomingEdges
    vertex.shortcutCover = len(vertex.inIncidentEdges) * len(vertex.outIncidentEdges)
    // Number of total incident edges is: NumIncomingEdges+NumOutcomingEdges
    vertex.incidentEdgesNum = len(vertex.inIncidentEdges) + len(vertex.outIncidentEdges)
    // Edge difference is between NumWorstShortcuts and TotalIncidentEdgesNum
    vertex.edgeDiff = vertex.shortcutCover - vertex.incidentEdgesNum
    // [+] Spatial diversity heuristic: for each vertex maintain a count of the number of neighbors that have already been contracted [vertex.delNeighbors], and add this to the summary importance
    // note: the more neighbours have already been contracted, the later this vertex will be contracted in further.
    // [+] Bidirection edges heuristic: for each vertex check how many bidirected incident edges vertex has.
    // note: the more bidirected incident edges == less important vertex is.
    vertex.importance = vertex.edgeDiff*14 + vertex.incidentEdgesNum*25 + vertex.delNeighbors*10 - vertex.bidirectedEdges()

2 .Lazy update heuristic:

// update Importance of vertex "on demand" as follows:
// Before contracting vertex with currently smallest Importance, recompute its Importance and see if it is still the smallest
// If not pick next smallest one, recompute its Importance and see if that is the smallest now; If not, continue in same way
vertex := heap.Pop(graph.pqImportance).(*Vertex)
if graph.pqImportance.Len() != 0 && vertex.importance > graph.pqImportance.Peek().importance {
LdDl commented 3 years ago

Trying to do parallelism (not working for currently - WIP): https://github.com/LdDl/ch/tree/optional-parallelism

go.exe test -count=1 -v -timeout 30s -run ^TestParallelShortestPath$ github.com/LdDl/ch
LdDl commented 2 years ago

Trying to do parallelism (not working for currently - WIP): https://github.com/LdDl/ch/tree/optional-parallelism

go.exe test -count=1 -v -timeout 30s -run ^TestParallelShortestPath$ github.com/LdDl/ch

Result is right sometimes, but it is inconsistent still:

Contraction Order: 187853 / 187853, Remain vertices in heap: 0. Currect shortcuts num: 390850

When for sure it should be

Contraction Order: 187852 / 187853, Remain vertices in heap: 0. Currect shortcuts num: 395295
LdDl commented 2 years ago

Oh well The problem is in graph.insertShortcuts(batchShortcuts) calls. They could not be parallelized since they are inserting incident edges and thus leads us to wrong dijkstra() calls (and this is why the results are inconsistent)