LeDDGroup / typescript-transform-paths

Transforms module resolution paths using TypeScript path mapping and/or custom paths
MIT License
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[Bug] Nx Transformer "is not a Transformer Plugin" #166

Closed bkewl closed 1 year ago

bkewl commented 1 year ago

The Nx Transformer (https://github.com/LeDDGroup/typescript-transform-paths/commit/66191641bcd023464198b1974a6c351c831dc803) outputs typescript-transform-paths/dist/plugins/nx-transformer-plugin is not a Transformer Plugin. It does not provide neither before(), after(), nor afterDeclarations(), from https://github.com/nrwl/nx/blob/229f71ef1758ee625869aaa6fa6355dc3284fa5b/packages/js/src/utils/typescript/load-ts-transformers.ts#L56. Looks like after is the missing function.

Also, the README example for the plugin is missing a quote before "name". https://github.com/LeDDGroup/typescript-transform-paths/blob/master/README.md?plain=1#L85, and the export isn't correct because I get the additional warning "typescript-transform-paths/nx-transformer" plugin could not be found! (which is why you see I'm pointing to dist/plugins/nx-transformer-plugin above).

nonara commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the report. Are you able to provide a reproduction repo?

Regarding the message: It does not provide neither before(), after(), nor afterDeclarations(), this indicates that at least one of those properties is required. If none are present, it throws this error. That being said, we provide 2 of 3, which is all that we need, so you shouldn't be getting this error.

This seems to indicate an issue with the actual export. Sounds like an ESM vs. CJS issue.

We don't face either of the reported issues in our test setup. See: https://github.com/LeDDGroup/typescript-transform-paths/blob/master/test/projects/nx/packages/library1/project.json

My guess is this either has to do with your nx version or ESM woes. In any case, if you can provide a repro, I will be happy to take a look when I can!

Or if you'd like to dig into personally, I'd also welcome any insight you might find on what's going on.

bkewl commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick reply!

You're right about the at least one requirement there. The grammar of the error message confused me.

We have created a repro-repo here: https://github.com/PatchOnKnee/fictional-winner npx nx run test-lib:build

I cloned the typescript-transform-paths repo and installed the local version ("typescript-transform-paths": "file:../../typescript-transform-paths" in package.json) and it worked fine. Makes be think it's something Nx is doing with it's local module resolution?

nonara commented 1 year ago

Seems it was a silly oversight on my part! The original work was done in a PR. I changed the entry file name but forgot to update it in the package.json.

v3.4.4 should cover you. Thanks for the repro. Let me know if you face any other issues!

bkewl commented 1 year ago

v3.4.4 works a charm. Thank you!