LeDragoX / Win-Debloat-Tools

Re-imagining Windows like a minimal OS install, already debloated with minimal impact for most functionality.
MIT License
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Non-Interactive CI friendly auto-download option #132

Open giorgioinf opened 8 months ago

giorgioinf commented 8 months ago


Some other Windows Debloat projects have a option to execute the URL directly, without need downloading the zip file, extract it and execute the scripts via command-line.

Example how it could be:

iwr -useb https://raw.github.ink/LeDragoX/Win-Debloat-Tools/main/WinDebloatTools.ps1 -Param1 -Param2 | iex


As this is one of the most complete debloat projects, it would be very handy if it comes with URL single line option, helping us to setup a provision step in our CI environments.


There few projects which does it:


iwr -useb https://git.io/debloat|iex


iwr -useb https://raw.github.ink/fedoz13/win11SetupScript/main/setupWin11.ps1 | iex