LeDragoX / Win-Debloat-Tools

Re-imagining Windows like a minimal OS install, already debloated with minimal impact for most functionality.
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Location services turned off ("some of these settings are managed by your organization") #133

Closed corazza closed 1 month ago

corazza commented 8 months ago

Describe the Bug

It appears that this tool fiddles with the registry in some bad way, and modifying various Windows system options becomes disallowed after de-bloating. In particular, I can no longer change my location settings: instead, I see a message that "some of these settings are managed by your organization" and the settings dialogues are greyed out.

How can I fix this?

How can this issue be reproduced?

Run de-bloat, check location settings in Windows 11

Expected behavior?

No response

Operating System

Windows 11

Operating System Version



No response

JeanLuX commented 7 months ago

Same issue there 😢

cspencer49519 commented 7 months ago

I was able to fix this by disabling the keys in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\LocationAndSensors", specifically "DisableLocation" and "DisableLocationScripting"

JeanLuX commented 7 months ago

To solve this problem, you can import an .reg file into the Windows registry:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Thanks a lot @cspencer49519

edit.: I also had to reactivate the "Geolocation Service" (Windows +R > services.msc). image

corazza commented 7 months ago

@cspencer49519 Thank you, that seems to have fixed it!

Do you know a similar fix for automatically installing Windows Defender updates? I believe this software also messed that up. It used to be automatic, but now I get a daily notification about these small security updates, and I have to open Settings and install it manually.

LeDragoX commented 7 months ago

It appears that this tool fiddles with the registry in some bad way, and modifying various Windows system options becomes disallowed after de-bloating. In particular, I can no longer change my location settings: instead, I see a message that "some of these settings are managed by your organization" and the settings dialogues are greyed out.

This was happening due to ShutUp10 configs, I'll add a proper fix to that, and another option.

Do you know a similar fix for automatically installing Windows Defender updates? I believe this software also messed that up.

Yup, this was messed up, sorry, the default settings will wipe the previous changes on the registry, unless someone want to manually disable automatic updates.