LeMyst / WikibaseIntegrator

A Python module to manipulate data on a Wikibase instance (like Wikidata) through the MediaWiki Wikibase API and the Wikibase SPARQL endpoint.
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Param-illegal error #455

Open LizzAlice opened 1 year ago

LizzAlice commented 1 year ago

I wanted to import P5192, which has the datatype wikibase-lexeme. This is the result of entity.getjson(): {'labels': {'en': {'language': 'en', 'value': 'Wikidata property example for lexemes'}, 'de': {'language': 'de', 'value': 'Wikidata-Eigenschaftsbeispiel für Lexeme'}}, 'descriptions': {'en': {'language': 'en', 'value': 'example where this Wikidata property is used; target lexeme is one that would use this property, with qualifier the property being described given the associated value'}}, 'aliases': {'en': [{'language': 'en', 'value': 'property example for lexemes'}]}, 'type': 'property', 'claims': {'P1': [{'mainsnak': {'snaktype': 'value', 'property': 'P1', 'datatype': 'external-id', 'datavalue': {'value': 'P5192', 'type': 'string'}}, 'type': 'statement', 'rank': 'normal', 'references': [{'snaks': {}, 'snaks-order': []}]}]}, 'datatype': 'wikibase-lexeme'}_

However, I am getting the following error: {'error': {'code': 'param-illegal', 'info': 'A datatype was expected, but either missing or not recognized.', 'messages': [{'name': 'wikibase-api-not-recognized-datatype', 'parameters': [], 'html': {'': 'A datatype was expected, but either missing or not recognized.'}}], '': 'See http://wikibase.svc/w/api.php for API usage. Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list at <https://lists.wikimedia.org/postorius/lists/mediawiki-api-announce.lists.wikimedia.org/&gt; for notice of API deprecations and breaking changes.'}}

I am confused, why that would be, as wikibase-lexeme is a valid data type.

LeMyst commented 1 year ago

Hello @LizzAlice ,

Can you share your wikibase version?


LizzAlice commented 1 year ago

The mediawiki version is 1.38.1

dpriskorn commented 1 year ago

The mediawiki version is 1.38.1

How did you install wikibase? Are you using wikibase suite that ensures compatible components?

LizzAlice commented 1 year ago

Wikibase was installed in a docker as specified here: https://github.com/MaRDI4NFDI/docker-wikibase/blob/main/Dockerfile

LeMyst commented 1 year ago

Can you share the code that generate the error?

LizzAlice commented 1 year ago

For getting the error message, I used this code taken from the wikibaseintegrator package, since otherwise, it dos not get displayed correctly.

      entity_description = entity.write(login=login)
      import ujson
      data = entity.get_json()
      payload = {
                        "action": "wbeditentity",
                        "data": ujson.dumps(data),
                        "format": "json",
                        "token": "+\\",
      is_bot = self.wikibase_integrator.is_bot
      if is_bot:
            payload.update({"bot": ""})
      payload.update({"new": entity.type})
      login = self.wikibase_integrator.login

      from wikibaseintegrator.wbi_config import config

      mediawiki_api_url = config["MEDIAWIKI_API_URL"]
      user_agent = "WikibaseIntegrator/0.12.0"
      headers = {"User-Agent": user_agent}
      payload.update({"token": login.get_edit_token()})
      session = login.get_session()

      response = None
      import requests
      from time import sleep
      import json

      for n in range(100):
                response = session.request(
           except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
                                "Connection error: %s. Sleeping for %d seconds.", e, 60
            if response.status_code in (500, 502, 503, 504):
                                "Service unavailable (HTTP Code %d). Sleeping for %d seconds.",
LeMyst commented 1 year ago

What do you want to accomplish?

You want to import P1592 on your own wikibase, so with a new entity ID in the end?

LizzAlice commented 1 year ago

Exactly, like mentioned in this issue https://github.com/LeMyst/WikibaseIntegrator/issues/456