LeaVerou / bliss

Blissful JavaScript
MIT License
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Comment: moving to 'modern' libraries and using the same '_' name #216

Open joyously opened 6 years ago

joyously commented 6 years ago

In a recent javascript meeting for WordPress core, it was determined that the Lodash library would be used and the Underscores library would be phased out. Apparently, Lodash being more modern. Both of these use the _ character for the main name, so I was reminded of Bliss. I don't think they interfere with each other, but as the meeting referenced this migration summary, I was wondering if I should be using Lodash now or if something like Bliss is just as good. Is Bliss more modern? I'm pretty sure it's smaller.

The issue is that those of us learning javascript can't tell what to use and why.

(I attempted to use Bliss, writing a plugin for Mavo, but got stalled because the fetch didn't work right and well...I need more documentation on Mavo because I find it hard to read.)

LeaVerou commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure how you'd define "more modern", but Bliss is not an alternative of lodash/underscore, they have different purposes. There is some overlap for certain things, but Bliss is also a DOM helper etc, while Underscore/lodash primarily focus on ES utilities.

I cannot tell you what to use, since there's no canonical "right answer". It depends on what you are trying to do.

(I attempted to use Bliss, writing a plugin for Mavo, but got stalled because the fetch didn't work right and well...I need more documentation on Mavo because I find it hard to read.)

You do realize that Bliss and Mavo are entirely separate projects, right?

joyously commented 6 years ago

The "more modern" was the term they used, but I doubt they could define it either. jQuery was also in the list to be phased out (of use in the core code), but they'd still have to keep it around for backward compatibility (like forever).

Perhaps the issue is just documentation then. Having read Bliss' docs several times, and coded some with it, I still don't see clearly what you state: "Bliss is not an alternative of lodash/underscore, they have different purposes". And ES is EmacScript?

You do realize that Bliss and Mavo are entirely separate projects, right?

Oh yes, I am well aware. I was just giving some context, and an example of where Bliss is used to advantage. As I said, I'm still on the learning curve of javascript.