LeaVerou / css3test

How does your browser score for its CSS3 support?
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Add pseudo-class after `::part()` #255

Open yisibl opened 4 weeks ago

yisibl commented 4 weeks ago

e.g. ::part():hover.

Blink CL: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/5811889

yisibl commented 3 weeks ago

@LeaVerou PTAL

SebastianZ commented 3 weeks ago

I am not sure if we should test all of the pseudo-classes. Normally the tests only cover a few combinations. Though I don't have a strong opinion on that.

Regarding :xr-overlay, I realized we don't have any tests for WebXR yet. I guess we should add them as well. @yisibl Do you know of any other CSS features related to those specs?


SebastianZ commented 3 weeks ago

Regarding :xr-overlay, I realized we don't have any tests for WebXR yet. I guess we should add them as well.

Created https://github.com/LeaVerou/css3test/pull/257 for that.


yisibl commented 3 weeks ago

I am not sure if we should test all of the pseudo-classes. Normally the tests only cover a few combinations. Though I don't have a strong opinion on that.

What pseudo-classes are supported by ::part basically comes from the CSSWG discussions #10787 on the subject, and I'm sure these will eventually become part of the specification.

I think css3test should be as complete as possible in order for users to better understand the specification and test browser support. This is where css3test is more detailed than MDN and caniuse.com, and it's an advantage that we should keep.

I don't know anything about :xr-overlay either, just testing for support in the selector syntax here.

LeaVerou commented 4 days ago

I don't have a strong opinion either. Given that not all pseudo-classes are allowed though, maybe testing all that should be allowed makes sense.

yisibl commented 4 days ago

Let's merge this PR.