LeaVerou / dabblet

An interactive CSS playground
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placeholder #227

Open miansari opened 11 years ago

miansari commented 11 years ago

When i insert placeholder property in any element some undisirable things happens......

LeaVerou commented 11 years ago

...such as?

miansari commented 11 years ago

as soon as i close the placeholder string like "search" , some of the following '<' is converted into its html entities miansari

LeaVerou commented 11 years ago

Oh, you run into the infamous escaping bug. Lets see if updating Prism will fix this.

miansari commented 11 years ago

Is there any way to disable the previews shown in CSS editor... some time it irritate me when i debbugs the code...

LeaVerou commented 11 years ago

Nope, updating Prism didn't solve it. :( Need to look into it more. Could you reduce the testcase? That would help.

Regarding the previewers, no there isn't. Please open a separate feature request if you want to request that, discussing many different issues in the same bug report is not maintainable. This is not IRC.

Thank you.

miansari commented 11 years ago