LeaVerou / dabblet

An interactive CSS playground
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CSS Animations Only works on Dabblet #240

Open kwasimensah opened 10 years ago

kwasimensah commented 10 years ago

This dabblet ( http://dabblet.com/gist/7708654) properly shows the spinner animation. But I can't get the same code to work anywhere else (see http://jsfiddle.net/S2VPe/9/). Was going to post as bug on other sites but I can't get it to work in local sample code either.

I'm on Safari 6.1.2 on Mac OS 10.8.5

WebInspectInc commented 10 years ago

That JSFiddle example does work in Firefox, fyi. However Safari still doesn't support unprefixed animations, and that's your problem. Dabblet automatically adds prefixes for you, if you add the prefixes manually to the code then it'll work no matter where you host it.

And nice spinner, by the way!