LeaVerou / htest

Declarative, boilerplate-free unit testing
MIT License
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Allow specific files to be skipped #14

Closed adamjanicki2 closed 8 months ago

adamjanicki2 commented 9 months ago

It would be useful if there was a way to ignore specific files. For example, if there's a helper file in a test directory that doesn't contain tests, specifying to htest to ignore that file would be useful

LeaVerou commented 9 months ago

Right now the only way to do that is to run htest <glob> instead of htest (e.g. htest *.js, !data.js), but perhaps there could be an .htestignore file with syntax similar to .gitignore/.npmignore/.eleventyignore etc. to facilitate this?

LeaVerou commented 8 months ago

On second thought, I think this is a duplicate of #4, since we can set that there. Probably overkill to have a whole file just for excluding at this point.