LeaVerou / multirange

A tiny polyfill for HTML5 multi-handle sliders
MIT License
605 stars 82 forks source link

Added a package.json to support install via npm #26

Closed rasben closed 6 years ago

rasben commented 6 years ago

I've fixed the issues with https://github.com/LeaVerou/multirange/pull/13 by @allbinmani

Satisfied @LeaVerou ? :)

LeaVerou commented 6 years ago


LeaVerou commented 6 years ago

Apparently this completely broke the script and causes errors of module not being defined. See: https://github.com/LeaVerou/multirange/issues/27 (except this is not just in IE, it happens everywhere)

rasben commented 6 years ago

@LeaVerou WTF? Didn't @allbinmani test it? I recall I tested it originally, back when @allbinmani made his first pull request - the reason i fixed it recently was to fix a @todo i found in my own codebase.

I assumed you had a test environment for this also

Anyway, seeing as this is the only PR that has been merged since then, I guess you'll have to revert to the previous commit (c136d150f78a1223c9d993d5e3283553d7c4cdcc) and force push it onto the gh-pages branch?

Although it's not my code originally, I'll try to find time during this week to fix the errors, so we hopefully can get this into the repo eventually

Sorry for this crap :/

LeaVerou commented 6 years ago

WTF? Didn't @allbinmani test it?

Apparently not! I was surprised as well.

I assumed you had a test environment for this also

I tend to merge those types of PRs very quickly, since it's usually boilerplate code. I should be more careful in the future!

Anyway, seeing as this is the only PR that has been merged since then, I guess you'll have to revert to the previous commit (c136d15) and force push it onto the gh-pages branch?

I hadn't noticed it was the last one, thanks. Done that now.

Although it's not my code originally, I'll try to find time during this week to fix the errors, so we hopefully can get this into the repo eventually

Thank you! Appreciate it.

Sorry for this crap :/

Don't be, the error was in the original PR, you were just trying to help. :) It's also my fault for not looking more carefully before merging, it would've been very obvious if I just reviewed the diff properly.