Leaflet / Leaflet.Editable

Make geometries editable in Leaflet.
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Marker works in Leaflet v1.7.1, has undefined _renderer errors in Leaflet v1.9.4 #215

Open mccart opened 11 months ago

mccart commented 11 months ago

Appears something may have changed under Leaflet's hood to break existing leaflet-editable Marker handling. Existing code using leaflet-editable marker works in Leaflet v1.7.1 but fails / does not work when upgraded to Leaflet v1.9.4 with undefined _renderer error in Leaflet code as shown below as soon as mouse is on map and fires repeatedly as mouse moves on map.

Anyone have any thoughts why or have fixes for this as I plan to revert back to v1.7.4 for now.

var Path = Layer.extend({
    // @method redraw(): this
    // Redraws the layer. Sometimes useful after you changed the coordinates that the path uses.
    redraw: function () {
        if (this._map) {
            this._renderer._updatePath(this);   <--- undefined _renderer
        return this;