Open antuanjoseff opened 5 years ago
That looks like the tolerance
option of the renderer is a bit too greedy for this case. It defaults to 15 under certain circumstances IIRC, so try setting it to zero.
I set tolerance to zero to the map object with no luck.
myRenderer = L.canvas({'tolerance': 0}); mymap ='mapid',{'renderer': myRenderer}).setView(...);
Any more ideas?
@antuanjoseff if that's the code your app is using, it won't make a different. As far as I could tell, the only way to ensure that the vectorgrid renderer uses an adjust tolerance is like this:
L.vectorGrid.protobuf("https://free-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf.pict?key={key}", {
vectorTileLayerStyles: { ... },
rendererFactory: function (tileCoord: any, tileSize: any, opts: any) {
opts.tolerance = 5;
return (<any>canvas).tile(tileCoord, tileSize, opts);
interactive: true,
But maybe I missed some other better way to get it in there-
I am using L.vectorGrid.protobuf with rendererFactory: L.canvas.tile to show some vectortiles generated with tippecanoe.
Everything looks nice and fast, but the interactive:true option lacks some precision for some polygons.
You can see this happening on this gif:
all polygons are drawn (even small ones) but some of them are not detected when onclick event occurs, so and adjacent polygon is selected instead.
Also, you can try it by yourself here:
Any idea why this is happening? And better yet, how to solve it?
I have also tryed the SVG renderer with no problems, but there are too many polygons and everything goes very slow. My only option is to use CANVAS rendererFactory.