Leaflet / Leaflet.draw

Vector drawing and editing plugin for Leaflet
MIT License
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Continue drawing #44

Closed Starefossen closed 11 years ago

Starefossen commented 11 years ago

Are there any technical limitations within the leaflet framework which would prohibit a continue drawing feature?

jacobtoye commented 11 years ago

Could you explain what you mean by continue drawing?

Starefossen commented 11 years ago

Sorry for not taking the time to explain this properly. Imagine a user drawing a polyline, and they accidentally click on the last point, ending the drawing mode. However they wanted to draw a longer line with more way points. The only way to do this now is either to delete the line and start over or dragging the last point and then "create" new intermediate points in-between. Neither is a very good user experience and for the average user it may seam very illogical who would expect that there were some way for continue drawing the polyline.

jacobtoye commented 11 years ago

All good, yeah I thought it would be as you described. I think continuing polylines would be the only use for this functionality right?

In the future we want to add advanced editing tools, such as rotating & resizing. I think this functionality would come under that version.

It could be something like, double click anywhere on the map while in edit mode to create a new vertex and continue drawing. This coupled with the inclusion of tooltips while editing should provide the required functionality.

Starefossen commented 11 years ago

Yes, this feature would only be needed for polylines.

The advanced editing capacities you mentions sounds awesome! Looking forward to that version :D

jacobtoye commented 11 years ago

Edit coming in 0.2

Starefossen commented 11 years ago

Remind me to buy you a beer or something when 0.2 is release. The work you have been doing on Leaflet.draw is just freaking awesome!

Oliv05 commented 10 years ago

Hi, Is this feature available ? I written a hack to do this thing, but it's not very beatifull, and if the functionnality is written in your app now, I would be happy to know it. Thanks

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hi, i need that feature too ! :/ @Oliv05 can you show me your hack?
thanks !

Oliv05 commented 9 years ago

Hi I'm quite buzzy right now to clean the code (there is some code used in my app here but not relevant for your problem), so the idea is to redefine Polyline addHooks and removeHooks methods. I hope this could help you :

L.Draw.Polyline.prototype.addHooks = function() {

    if (NTT.carto.lastPolyline) {
        // pour pouvoir reprendre la ligne à la fin (la continuer) quand la
        // ligne est chargée à l'initialisation de l'appli, data existante côté
        // serveur
        this._geoid = NTT.carto.editingTraceId;

        this._poly = NTT.carto.lastPolyline;
        var latlongs=this._poly.getLatLngs(); length=latlongs.length;
        this._markerGroup = new L.LayerGroup();
        this._markers = [];
        this._poly.setLatLngs([]);//On met à zéro car addVertex rerempli _poly

        for (var i=0;i<length;i++){

    NTT.carto.drawPolyline = this;
    if (this._map) {
        if (!this._markers) {
            this._markers = [];
            this._markerGroup = new L.LayerGroup();

        if (this._poly) {
            this._poly._map = this._map;
            this._poly = new L.Polyline([], this.options.shapeOptions);


        // Make a transparent marker that will used to catch click events. These
        // click
        // events will create the vertices. We need to do this so we can ensure
        // that
        // we can create vertices over other map layers (markers, vector
        // layers). We
        // also do not want to trigger any click handlers of objects we are
        // clicking on
        // while drawing.
        if (!this._mouseMarker) {
            this._mouseMarker = L.marker(this._map.getCenter(), {
                icon : L.divIcon({
                    className : 'leaflet-mouse-marker',
                    iconAnchor : [ 20, 20 ],
                    iconSize : [ 40, 40 ]
                opacity : 0,
                zIndexOffset : this.options.zIndexOffset

        this._mouseMarker.on('mousedown', this._onMouseDown, this).addTo(

        this._map.on('mousemove', this._onMouseMove, this).on('mouseup',
                this._onMouseUp, this).on('zoomend', this._onZoomEnd, this);

L.Draw.Polyline.prototype.removeHooks = function() {
    // alert('hehe');

    nttLog('RH:Remove Hooks');




    // remove markers from map
     delete this._markerGroup;
     delete this._markers;

    nttLog('RH:RemoveLayer this._poly');
    var geojson=this._poly.toGeoJSON();
    delete this._poly;

    this._mouseMarker.off('mousedown', this._onMouseDown, this).off('mouseup',
            this._onMouseUp, this);
    nttLog('RH:RemoveLayer this._mouseMarker');
    delete this._mouseMarker;

    // clean up DOM

    this._map.off('mousemove', this._onMouseMove, this).off('zoomend',
            this._onZoomEnd, this);

    if (this._nttValidated){
        if (this._nttModified){
            updateGeo(geojson, null);//On envoie la modification
        else//Envoie d'une nouvelle trace
            sendNewTrace(geojson, null);

ghost commented 9 years ago

@Oliv05 Thanks for the quick answer ! //Merci beaucoup!

humiki commented 9 years ago

It's still not possible to continue drawing a polyline in version 0.7.3. Any plans to implement this feature?

ghost commented 9 years ago

@humiki this is a little function i made to continue drawing à polyline.

this.restartManualDraw = function (Poly,opt)
        self.ObjCreate = new L.Draw.Polyline(map, opt); //enable new polyline drawing mode.
        self.ObjCreate._mouseDownOrigin = L.point(55, 5); // line needed for anoying tips ( size in kilometers)

        var lastPolyDraw = null;
        var layerD = null;

        if (isDefined(Poly)) //if we pass a polyline in parameters
            if (Poly instanceof GLVPolyline) // my stuff
                lastPolyDraw = Poly.getNative(); //my stuff
                lastPolyDraw = Poly; 
            lastPolyDraw = self.getLastLine().getNative(); //getLastLine drawn.
            layerD = self.getLayerDessin(); // get the featureGroup 
            layerD.removeLayer(lastPolyDraw); //remove polyline (my stuff) you had to remove from featureGroup

        if (isDefined(lastPolyDraw)) // if we have a result

            var points = lastPolyDraw.getLatLngs(); // get all the latlng from the polyline we have to restart drawing
            self.ObjCreate._currentLatLng = points[0];// needed for tips 
            for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
                self.ObjCreate.addVertex(points[i]); // add latlng by latlng to re build the polyline

it's not perfect but it works :)

olmoe commented 8 years ago

@ValGeolives Where do I put this code?

pimeggermont commented 4 years ago

What is the status of this issue? I am also searching for this functionality in Leaflet. Does someone got an in code example from the code above?

Candyffm commented 4 years ago

Still haven't found an anwser to this topic. Why is it closed?

ElijahKotyluk commented 3 years ago

@jacobtoye any plans to get this implemented?