Leaflet / Leaflet.markercluster

Marker Clustering plugin for Leaflet
MIT License
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JSONP WFS Popups #945

Open sanozmen opened 5 years ago

sanozmen commented 5 years ago

There is an issue with jsonp popups. They are not responding to clicks when they are nested in ajax call with oneachfeature method. This is the jsfiddle link to what I am working on.

danzel commented 5 years ago

This is weird. Can you reproduce this by just creating markers directly? Maybe add them to a layergroup/featuregroup before adding them to the cluster.

sanozmen commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the answer Danzel. I have reproduced it with no clustering and markers' popups were functional with no issues. This is the jsfiddle link. Yet,upon your advice, when I tried to add them to a layergroup and then add to a cluster, I have ended up with the same issue. Not responding popups. Here is the link to the second result.

danzel commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I meant can you reproduce this without using the jsonp call and L.geoJson?

sanozmen commented 5 years ago

Sorry for my late answer, yet I have tried but could not succeed to figure out a way to do it without ajax call and L.geojson.

danzel commented 5 years ago

What about L.geojson with some small inline json?