Open matburnham opened 5 years ago
Looks like #525 may relate, and this may be an embodiment of #892.
What happens in your specific example is that you progrmmatically try to spiderfy a Cluster which is at a different zoom level (18) than the one that is currently spiderfied (by user click) (13).
var addressPoints = [
// Markers at exact same position => cluster spiderfies at current zoom
[52.002, 0.02, "b1"],
[52.002, 0.02, "b2"],
[52.002, 0.02, "b3"],
var map ='map', {center: latlng, zoom: 13, layers: [tiles]}); // <= user click siperfies cluster at zoom 13
addr['b2'].__parent.spiderfy(); // <= retrieve closest parent cluster, i.e. for zoom 18, and try to spiderfy it
By making a small utility function to retrieve the parent cluster at current zoom, you properly get rid of this issue:
// Utility to retrieve the parent cluster corresponding to current zoom
function getParentAtCurrentZoom(marker) {
var currentZoom = map.getZoom();
while (marker.__parent && marker.__parent._zoom >= currentZoom) {
marker = marker.__parent;
return marker;
Updated JSFiddle:
Then what happens when you try to spiderfy the cluster for zoom 18, is that the parent cluster for zoom 13 tries to unspiderfy; since it is animated, the unspiderfication uses a timeout, which removes the Markers, whereas they were supposed to remain for the cluster 18 spiderfication... Then the error message you report is due to these missing Markers.
That being said, a potential improvement would be ensure the cluster to be spiderfied is visible on map.
How to reproduce
What behaviour I'm expecting and which behaviour I'm seeing
I would expect the library to handle this without client code having to check cluster status beforehand. This line of suggests similar, but does not appear to work as expected.
I understand insufficient internals to debug much further, despite trying.
Minimal example reproducing the issue
See for a minimal example.
For search purposes, this is the error raised by the minimal example if you continue to step 4.