Upon clicking the "Request Roll" button while logged in as a GM, the following exception is thrown.
TypeError: key.split is not a function or its return value is not iterable
[Detected 1 package: lmrtfy]
at Object.getProperty (commons.js:1698:24)
at Localization.localize (foundry.js:6689:27)
at requestor.js:51:39
at Array.sort (<anonymous>)
at LMRTFYRequestor.getData (requestor.js:51:14)
at LMRTFYRequestor._render (foundry.js:4959:29)
at LMRTFYRequestor._render (foundry.js:5684:17)
at LMRTFYRequestor.render (foundry.js:4918:10)
at LMRTFYRequestor.render (requestor.js:83:22)
at LMRTFY.requestRoll (lmrtfy.js:221:26)
at Object.onClick (lmrtfy.js:245:39)
at SceneControls._onClickTool (foundry.js:66673:52)
at HTMLLIElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js:2:43064)
at y.handle (jquery.min.js:2:41048)
Yeah, compatible core version is till only 9 so it won't work in version 10 at all. I'm busy with the testing of the version 10 changes at should hopefully be available later this weekend.
Upon clicking the "Request Roll" button while logged in as a GM, the following exception is thrown.